E6 Film Developing The Short Version

  • Опубликовано: 26 мар 2025
  • In this video, I describe, in detail, how to process slide film using the traditional 6 bath method; just like your local laboratory would do.
    Music by: www.bensound.com "Summer"
    Chemistry purchased from www.southpointphoto.com
    Copyright 2021 Tony Santo

Комментарии • 15

  • @asmahism
    @asmahism 3 года назад +3

    Your channel is one of the most informative for film photography, thank you. I especially love your video about Velvia, far more informative than pretty much any other channel on RUclips. Do you have any plans to do more videos like that? I for one would really appreciate that.

    • @tonysantophotography
      @tonysantophotography  3 года назад +1

      Kyle, thank you for the kinds words. I really enjoy making videos but they do take a long time to produce so I'm limited on how often I can release videos. I have lots of ideas but so little time. More videos on the way. I appreciate your support of my channel! Sincerely, Tony

    @QARIB_JEWELRY 2 года назад +2

    Nice video👌

    • @tonysanto4804
      @tonysanto4804 Год назад

      Thank you! I appreciate you taking the time to watch.

  • @spieler440
    @spieler440 2 года назад +1

    Hey, love the videos👍 I do have a few questions though. I used to buy the Fuji hunt chemistry but for whatever reason I can't find it anywhere outside of Europe, are you still using it? If you are, then can you please tell me where you're finding it?

    • @tonysantophotography
      @tonysantophotography  2 года назад

      Thanks! I purchase all my E6 & C41 chemistry from southpoint photo; ask for Sean Souri.

  • @jasonlamarking
    @jasonlamarking 3 года назад +1

    I'd love to see a comparison where you develop the same shot in both the Fuji 6-bath and one of the simplified 3-bath kits on the market. I'm not convinced that those 3-bath kits render a properly developed image.

    • @tonysantophotography
      @tonysantophotography  3 года назад +2

      Jason, that's a great idea for a video. I'll see if I can make it happen. Thanks for watching! Tony

  • @stuartflipflops
    @stuartflipflops 3 года назад +2

    Some serious chemical mixing. How many 8x10 sheets doo you get from this arrangement of chems? Answer 62. :) Thanks

  • @kaewk
    @kaewk 3 года назад +1

    I just wondering How long you can keep the chemical after the mixing ?

    • @tonysantophotography
      @tonysantophotography  3 года назад +1

      I usually use it all up within 72 hours; I basically do a “film developing marathon”. In previous tests, the chemistry lasted about 25 days before going bad under my environmental conditions. I would recommend doing your own tests just to make sure. Thanks! Tony

    • @kaewk
      @kaewk 3 года назад +1

      @@tonysantophotography thanks you for information, now I only develop all the film in tetanal 3 bath and wanna try to switch to the 6 bath I hear that it’s better than the three bath. PS I love you video ❤️