- Опубликовано: 27 мар 2025
Mbango Baer
Karim Camara
Gwenndoline Derrien
Lou Feraud
Manon Gonin
Benoit Lerat
Pablo Peña
Romain Rachline B.
Marie Wils
Lili Nascimento
Sofia Nait
Marianne Millet
Pablo Peña
Romain Rachline B.
Romain Rachline B.
Pablo Peña
Manfred de Fouquières
Manfred de Fouquières
Ghislain Delbecq
Bruno Segni
Emma Scherer Видеоклипы
This is the only choreo that does justice to the sepped and rhythm of the song. Amazing!
@@SimonWoodburyForget we didn't ask
@@SimonWoodburyForget well, I wouldn't necessarily say the dancers themselves are the issue. I'm not an expert on tap, but the main medium is the sound and I imagine that every dancer is gonna have to move slightly different to produce the same sounds due to differences in body-weight and weight-distribution.
But I would agree, that the camera-work/editing is very odd indeed. I can't get a handle on why certain cuts are made and throughout the entire video I am left with an impression that what I'm seeing and what I'm hearing is disjointed. That's because in many places the camera doesn't show what I need to see.
Meanwhile the drum dancing in the background doesn't fit in at all and is a weird choreography choice.
Ultimately I'm disappointed that I can't like this video as much as I would've liked to.
@@SimonWoodburyForget You're correct, but at the same time, I feel as though it was edited strangely. They use different takes, obviously doing the routine multiple different times in slightly different spots, and the music itself sounds like it was pre-recorded with floor-mics to capture the taps properly. The dancers likely were fairly well coordinated, but there's only so many times you can get it really right, and many more times takes need to be done.
I want to cry the tapping is so beautiful
Me too !
That drummer's hair is my spirit animal
In my country is normal that hair
Is pretty and so spongy
You aren't Anishinaabe. Don't go throwing that phrase around like it's a trend.
Are you suggesting that her hair is an animal 🤦🤦🤦🤦🤦🤪
Graidon Mabson do you know what a furry is?
J’ai la chair de poule et le coeur qui bat chaque fois que je revois ce clip!!! Un des premiers qui m’a permis de vous découvrir il y a quelques annees. Ou etes vs aujourd’hui? Quel spectacle à venir?
I enjoy this style of 'free' tap dance movement to the stuff that's all within a small box of movement. Don't know what it's really called but i'm vibing
Love to see women playing drums 😍😍
I agree!! I don't see it often
They're amazing too
Then maybe you'll like Sina:
yeah they're hillarious
Le hot banan from microwavestan it seemed like you were trying to be hilarious yourself. Kinda flopped lmao
Wow..tap dancing + Stromae's song + drumer with beautiful hair ..I'm comment..
You nailed it :)
Nemi Posmatrač exactly
I feel like i became 80% more french by watching this
Stromae is belgian
@@santahey the video and the people in it look very French.
@@pedroferreiramorais9773 That's cliché
@@santahey Indeed, Stromae is Belgian. However, the dancers come from a dance studio in Paris, France. So there is therefore a good chance that the dancers will also be French.
@@santahey Stromaé is belgian but he sung in french, the most beautiful language in the world
so you know how people say drummers are hot? well im gonna amend that statement to "people who make that percussion" because i am damn near simping for every single person in this video because of that sheer skill, cohesion, and ease of movement they all have. i am living for it.
Thank you for remembering that tap dance is both a dance AND a percussion instrument! I've seen a lot of routines that leave out the latter half and it ends up sounding awful. This looks and sounds amazing!!! I wish you had more like this, I love the sound of tap dance. ^_^
I could not have said it better.
Every time I watch this gives me goosebumps! I want to BE part of this. The energy is palpable and contagious! 🤗♥️
Dude are all these tap dancers just models? Also the drummers KILLED IT!
The energy is so perfect
RUclips recommended this to me, and I don't regret clicking it.
Same thing here. I have no idea how or why this came up into my feed but I'm really glad it did.
Same. Now I got to show it to my little tapper
Isabela Santos totally agree!
Me too! Now, I love Riverdance, so it's not too far-fetched for me. BUT... if anyone knows of other things similar to this, drop your recommendations
Love it. .so glad I clicked on it too. They are all incredable! ! Thank's exciting, beautiful and extraordinary!!
How can this be on here since 2017 and I'm just now seeing this??? I've lovin' it. Great choreographgy...
Eu quero muito uma atividade.Obg's..Bom dia..
I'm saying the same thing...
Cette chanson était mon premier contact quand la langue il y a 5 ans et je l`ai aimé . J`ai appris l`anglais premier parce il est le plus langue parlée au Canada, maintenant J`apprends le français et je suis très heureuse parce je peut comprendre et chanter la chanson au même temps. La vie est belle quand on apprend et découvre nouveaux choses chaque jour. Bonne chance pour tous.
It’s called tap dancing , they use the taps at the bottom of their shoes to keep beat
@@faiththomas1749 Yeah, I'm aware of that....WTH?
3 ans après et je suis toujours sous le charme de cette band, de leur performance et la beauté de cette chorégraphie
Chorégraphie au top ! Stromae et son papa, toujours formidable en 2023. Longue vie à vous 💖
Big up to the ladies at the drums !!
Honestly I was expecting it to be a "hm, kinda cool but eh" performance where they kinda overlay tap onto a song travk without much focus on matching the beat but this crew absolutely SMASHED IT!!!! They captured the EXACT rythym n feeling of the music so much better than I could've ever imagined or expected (both in the actual tapping and the drums as well) and its absolutely AMAZING!!! by far one of my fav tap videos basically ever!! 💖💕
Didn't realise how attractive tap dancing was before this video
Chuckle chuckle I agree! Enjoy!
I know, right?!! Very sexy.
Very sexy indeed.
Everybody's so goddamn handsome
Check out Eleanor Powell.
The first time I found this video, I watched it over and over, each time focusing on a different performer to take it all in. Even now a year or so later, this is still SOOOO good! I wish there was more tap like this (not just Riverdance, but really expressive like this!)
Watched any of the Syncopated Ladies?
I tried this as well, but every time my eyes move back either to the elder guy or the black guy. Their posture is so perfect and controlled. I think the older guy comes from Flamenco, Tango and so on. The way he holds himself is marvelous.
This is absolutely beautiful. I found this video out of pure coincidence. But I must say that I'm glad I did. This choreography is phenomenal. Stromae artistic endeavors are fascinating, indulging, addicting, and magnificent. I hope he creates more music and put them on RUclips.
I'm not typically a big fan of tap dancing but y'all are PERFECT 😍😍😍 you did the song justice with the first choreography I've seen for this song that I actually love
I see the constant stable tempo. I see the unity. Literally a "Unified Troupe". I see the upper body completely relaxed and no one "sitting" on the knees. The knees aren't "locked", not "hyperextended'. So no bone on bone friction. Fabulous. Smart. Intelligent. The cohesiveness is exquisite, extraordinary, eloquently graceful. May you continue to shine. Blessings. Maria
I think I've watched this video dozens of times and each time the energy of it astounds me. The attitudes of the dancers. The drummers pounding their hearts out. WOW!!
This is one song I can never get tired of hearing or seeing. Or feeling.
I’m like you, Lucy, it just gives me chills when I watch it....wonder, though, if all that dust/talcum flying around is good for their lungs? And they gotta be breathing deep. Anyway, big, big thumbs up on this. I feel energized just watching it.
Me too! It’s addictive, but in a good way.
I too am hooked on this. I watch it at least once a day and love the music, the dance, the dancers, the female drummers.....just everything. 🥇👍
Je n'ose imaginer tout le travail que l'on ne voit pas: (chorégraphie, musique, pratiques etc...)
Bravo à vous tous et toutes!!!!
Drumstick throw at 3:07 is dope, but so is the talent in this entire video. Wow!
Seriously can't stop watching this video. They are telling a story through this DAnce. Their faces are so serious. I would not wanna interrupt them while their telling their story. Something deeper than I understand. Luv it🌸
Yes not often we get to experience something like this. I love the little debrief joy at the end. Enjoy
Graceful comment
This [video] is my happy place for now.
Watching this video, seeing mixed race people, dancers from various ethnicity, female drummer, female and male dancers dancing together, it made very emotional. 50 years ago it would have been impossible. It's good to see things are changing. Even if there is many battles to fight, it feels great to witness those beautiful changes.
EDIT : I'm mixed race myself, hence why I'm poiting it out. I've spent so many years being ashamed of my ethnicity, of dealing with racism and trying to be socially perfect so I could "fit" in a mostly white society, it makes me kinda teary when I see mixed race people being excellent at what they do, and actually getting applaused, because it feels empowering for the ones like me who used to live our ethnicity as a shame. So please stop replying very harsh and ignorant comments. If you yourself "can't see different race", maybe ask yourself why, maybe because you have never experienced racism and discrimination because of who you are. I myself starated to see my race because other people pointed it out to me. So, please, be a little more considerate and aware of your privileges.
I felt the same
I didnt notice that until you mentioned it. They are intense in so many ways.
And different age groups too.
Your comment made me cry
Yes, though perhaps rare would be more accurate. Just watch Sammy Davis Jr. mixing it up with Frank Sinatra & Dean Martin. The original rat pack! The barriers and struggles of yesterdays incredible and very popular jazz artists (Ella Fitzgerald, Sarah Vaughan, Louis Armstrong and so many more) are all slowly being rectified. It will continue to evolve. But, yes. This was awesome! And BTW, tap rocks!
Sublime. We need more tap dancing in entertainment, this style makes it modern. (What kind of person would give this a down vote?!)
That's why I fell in love with tap dance many many years ago. Tap dance is intense.
Great performance and I adore that drummer's hair!!!
J'adore! Quelle synchronisité, quelle énergie. Que c'est beau
THIS. WAS. SO . INTENSE !!!! Everybody including the cameraman, sound, etc.. made this an exceptional experience to watch thank you very muuuch !!!!
I've never seen choreo that does justice to the insane rhytm of this song, until today. It's mesmerizing. Hats off to all of you
This is probably the most badass thing I've seen today
*this year. So intense 😆
Faire des bébé faire authe papa authe vidéo partager avec amis Manon cauvier 😁😁😃🌹
Yugen Animations
I saw Sandra Lee make a cocktail. So it’s the second most badass thing I’ve seen today.
Well that was bloody marvellous!
C'est incroyable comment les claquettes vont bien avec le rythme de la musique
I agree 👍
Tout à fait ! La chorégraphie est parfaite. 😊
I just have to keep watching it again and again to soak up each thing, the feel of the music, the visuals and choreography, the drummers and the movement of it all. It’s by far one of the most incredible pieces I’ve ever seen. Absolutely stunning
Обалдеть!!! Какие молодцы!! Чувство ритма, просто вышка!!!!👌👌👌👌👍👍👍
The percussionists are insanely, incredibly skilled and gorgeous! 🤩
I've lost count how many times I've watched this now. GREAT music and EXCELLENT dance.
Still watching 10 months later! Realised apart from the entertainment value I'm also watching this when I need to lift my mood. Tonight is for the shear pleasure of the music and dance.
J adore,absolument genial
MAGNIFIQUE ! IMPECCABLE rien à changer..
Ca fait bizarre qu'on soit si peu de comm Francais sur cette video ^^
Magnifique about my only word of french! Enjoy
@@Tatonnerie totalement ça fait vraiment bizarre
@@Tatonnerie grave en plus c une chanson française
@@velvetindigonight 11
Спасибо! Не танец, а состояние души. Внешне взрослый человек, а внутри барабаны и стэп на излёте рук...
Танец - огонь!💃🕺🔥🔥🔥👏👏👏 Без него песня иначе воспринимается!
Everything is so on point! The musicality, synchronization, the energy, and the power from every movement gave me the chills. I love how these dancers absolutely brought justice to the song and captured the essence of the melody and made the song even more beautiful. Stromae, please come back to the music industry!
Ahhhhhhh, the best song ever... I miss Stromae so much.
Love love love this. The best tap dance I've ever watched.
🥀La Grâce et l’Élégance de Pablo Peña💎C’est beau❣️Ça CLAQUE🎬❤️❤️❤️
MAGNIFIQUE !!!!! Quelle énergie ! Bravo à tous ! Un vrai moment de plaisir !!!
I wonder if tap dancers walk into a room, look at the ground, and say, "I'd tap that"
If they don’t I’d be seriously heartbroken 😂😂
We do 😂 believe me we do. Especially in Ikea and Costco.
100% a true statement we so do
We listen to a song and think "I'd tap that!"
Same thoughts for a person, not the bed
And they hate walking on the sand 🤣
The lights
The dramatic staring
The black attire
The tap dancing
Everything fit well together
Idk why but they are all so freaking attractive 🥺 must be the tap dance
keep coming back to this video. the dancers -- yes!! the drummers -- yesyesyes!!!
That energy, that power. I could feel it in my soul. Amazing
Don’t understand a word of this song but the tap dancing is amazing
AshnKksmom2 I don' t speak english, but I can explain the song with few words : stromae said "where is my dad ?" and her (or his?) Mother said "he is never far to you", because the father of stromae was dead when stromae was young (5 years old). stromae express the pain to don't have dad.
do you anderstand ?
@@sansandrine998 j'ai compris ton anglais tkt :)
When you look at the official MV for this song there are subtitles.
@@sansandrine998 really thanks a lot that really helped 🌹💖
You should go check the lyrics out, it really is worth it
Понравилось,какие все красивые, лёгкие,пластичные, спасибо
The energy
The synchronization
The flow
WOW!!! 😍😍😍
Watching this video is so satisfying. I’m addicted to this. I can’t stop watching how good they are. I would pay money to go see this in person
Заряжающая энергетика! Очень красиво!
I think I have watched this clip 100 times! It is just amazing.
Лёгкие ноги, жёсткие плечи. Танец, уводящий к истокам человеческого сознания. Браво!!!
Je regarde tres souvent...fabuleux
I don't know why I'm more obsessed with the drummers than I am with the dancers.
their VIBES though, the way they also dance i mean thyere amazing
Мощная энергетика танца и песни , отличный симбиоз
Déjà jaime troo cette musique mais alors avec la chorégraphie des claquettes,plus la batterie derrière mais palala exellent vraiment ca fais des frissons perso
I love how the drummers r also choreographed to sync with the dancers ugh all of this is so satisfying 😌
It is good to see that at the end everyone was smiling. The dancers all had such serious expressions on their faces while they were performing, which just added to the dramatic experience of the video. Well done!
Завораживающий танец!!! Барабанщицы великолепны!!! Музыка, голос потрясающие!!! А мужчины в танце просто боги!!! Восхитительно! Браво! Бис....!!!!
Мне не понравились именно женщины на барабанах, а в танце получилось у них лучше
Это круто!!!!!!!
I must agree! , with pleasure.
Это божественно!!! 👍Превосходный танец, ритм, эмоции!!! Нет слов! Снято крайне профессионально, на экране не просто танец, а целое шоу! Так держать!! Надеюсь, будет больше мировое турне!!! 🙏
I felt so badass when the ladies started playing the drums
Exciting, beautiful, powerful!
Сколько раз пересматривал, не сосчитать....
Le LORD OF THE DANCE Français! MERCI Monsieur
i watch this several times each year. so much fun and joy
I didn't understand a word of the singing, but who needed too when tap dancing is Multilingual! This was amazing to watch!
WOW, diese Kraft und Energie kann man richtig spüren. Hab jetzt eine Gänsehaut... toll! :)
⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ Très, très belle prestation, pleine de vie et d’élégance qui m’invite à danser chaque matin. 💃🏻💃🏻💃🏻
Magnifiques danseurs et très belles percussionnistes. C’est talentueux, c’est classe et ça CLAQUE.🎬♥️
EVERYONE in this vid is so beautiful!!!
This is amazing, the energy, the moves, the drums at the back, everything is just so flawlessly prefect. This video made me take a liking to clap dancing.
The absolute perfection and co-ordination of the movements is astounding !
C est Super 💥 quelle Energie :merveilleux!!!
That was amazing.
I was going to write how amazing your choreography is and noticed Mohd has already written it!!! I love it!! Love the way the dancers move!!! Greetings from the Czech Republic!!
Omg cannot stop watching it. I'm crying so beautiful this work is. Art is so important for the world 🥰🥰🥰
I almost didn't watch it because "tap...". I have been impressed with tap before and not often enough. This was BRILLIANT! Beautiful! Bold! Tingles up my spine! Loved it so much! Inspiring! ❤️❤️❤️
You. Are all super talented dancers and the band as well Merci
They're all so good!
Танцовщицы, простите меня, вы двигались великолепно, но я не могла оторвать взгляда от мужчин. Это было завораживающе)
Да я тоже засмотрелась на мужчин☺
Если бы танцовщицы были ростом как мужчины,былобы супер...Глаз не оторвать от танца,от ритма...
Thank god! I thought I was the only one who appreciated this beautiful song! So glad to see the amazing work put into truly representing this song and you can see the effort you put into it!!😍😍😍😍
Génial, magnifique, quel talent, vous êtes magnifiques !!!! ♥♥♥ ♪♫♪
Je suis d'accord.
Beautiful coordination. Very impressive.
This is BEAUTIFUL!!!! Everyone, every moment, every step. Amazing!
Um 3 years late. I discovered this video 4 weeks ago and I’ve watched it at least once a day. Like the ENERGY IS JUST SO INFECTIOUS AND THIS IS GIVING ME THE INSPIRATION AND MOTIVATION TO DO A TAP PROJECT FOR SCHOOL SO THANK YOU
i know RIGHT
also yoo good luck with that tap dance project :D
Love the last clip where everyone’s having fun & smiling
I hve watched this so many times and I am always in awe! So powerful, energetic and inspirational! I decided to choreograph ( the amateur I am) a tap dance to this song. thank you all for such a brilliant performance!!!!
This is still my all time fave..even now...the best ❤❤❤❤❤❤
Superbe et ces percussionnistes dansants, waouh !
*Dites-moi d’où il vient*
Tell me where he comes from
*Enfin je saurais où je vais*
Then I would know where I’m going
*Maman dit que lorsqu’on cherche bien*
Mommy says when you look hard enough
*On finit toujours par trouver*
You’ll always end up finding it
*Elle dit qu’il n’est jamais très loin*
She says he’s never very far away
*Qu’il part très souvent travailler*
He often leaves to go work
*Maman dit « travailler c’est bien »*
Mommy says “working is good”
*Bien mieux qu’être mal accompagné, pas vrai ?*
Better to be there than in bad company, right?
*Où est ton papa ?*
Where is your dad?
*Dis-moi où est ton papa*
Tell me where is your dad?
*Sans même devoir lui parler*
Without even having to talk to him
*Il sait ce qui ne va pas*
He knows what’s wrong
*Ah sacré papa*
Oh my dear father
*Dis-moi où es-tu caché ?*
Tell me where are you hiding?
*Ca doit faire au moins mille fois que j’ai compté mes doigts*
I must’ve counted my fingers at least a thousand times
*Où t’es papa où t’es ?*
Where are you dad, where are you?
*Où t’es papa où t’es ?*
Where are you dad, where are you?
*Où t’es papa où t’es ?*
Where are you dad, where are you?
*Où t’es où t’es où papa, où t’es ?*
Where are you, where are you, where are you dad, where are you?
*Où t’es papa où t’es ?*
Where are you dad, where are you?
*Où t’es papa où t’es ?*
Where are you dad, where are you?
*Où t’es papa où t’es ?*
Where are you dad, where are you?
*Où t’es où t’es où papa, où t’es ?*
Where are you, where are you, where are you dad, where are you?
*[[Synth breakdown]]*
*Quoi ? Qu’on y croie ou pas*
What? Whether your believe or not
*Y aura bien un jour où on y croira plus*
There will be a day when we no longer believe
*Un jour ou l’autre on sera tous papa*
On day or another we’ll all be fathers
*Et d’un jour à l’autre on aura disparu*
And one day or another we’ll all disappear
*Serons-nous détestables ?*
Will we be hated?
*Serons-nous admirables ?*
Will we be loved?
*Des géniteurs ou des génies*
Natural fathers or geniuses
*Dites-nous qui donne naissance aux irresponsables*
Tell us who gives birth to irresponsible [fathers]
*Hein ? Dites-nous qui, tiens*
Hey? Tell us who huh?
*Tout le monde sait comment on fait des bébés*
Everybody knows how to make babies
*Mais personne sait comment on fait des papas*
But nobody knows how to make dads
*Monsieur « j’sais tout » en aurait hérité, c’est ça ?*
Mister “know-it-all” would’ve inherited it, is that it?
*Faut l’sucer de son pouce, ou quoi*
Does it come from sucking our thumbs, or what
*Dites-nous où c’est caché, ça doit, faire au moins mille fois qu’on a bouffé nos doigts*
Tell us where it’s hidden, we must’ve bit our nails a thousand times
*Où t’es papa où t’es ?*
Where are you dad, where are you?
*Où t’es papa où t’es ?*
Where are you dad, where are you?
*Où t’es papa où t’es ?*
Where are you dad, where are you?
*Où t’es où t’es où papa, où t’es ?*
Where are you, where are you, where are you dad, where are you?
*Où t’es papa où t’es ?*
Where are you dad, where are you?
*Où t’es papa où t’es ?*
Where are you dad, where are you?
*Où t’es papa où t’es ?*
Where are you dad, where are you?
*Où t’es où t’es où papa, où t’es ?*
Where are you, where are you, where are you dad, where are you?
*Où est ton papa ?*
Where is your dad?
*Dis-moi où est ton papa*
Tell me where is your dad?
*Sans même devoir lui parler*
Without even having to talk to him
*Il sait ce qui ne va pas*
He knows what’s wrong
*Ah sacré papa*
Oh my dear* father
*Dis-moi où es-tu caché ?*
Tell me where are you hiding?
*Ca doit faire au moins mille fois que j’ai compté mes doigts*
I must’ve counted my fingers at least a thousand times
*Où est ton papa ?*
Where is your dad?
*Dis-moi où est ton papa*
Tell me where is your dad?
*Sans même devoir lui parler*
Without even having to talk to him
*Il sait ce qui ne va pas*
He knows what’s wrong
*Ah sacré papa*
Oh my dear father
*Dis-moi où es-tu caché ?*
Tell me where are you hiding?
*Ca doit faire au moins mille fois que j’ai compté mes doigts*
I must’ve counted my fingers at least a thousand times
*Où t’es papa où t’es ?*
Where are you dad, where are you?
*Où t’es papa où t’es ?*
Where are you dad, where are you?
*Où t’es papa où t’es ?*
Where are you dad, where are you?
*Où t’es où t’es où papa, où t’es ?*
Where are you, where are you, where are you dad, where are you?
*Où t’es papa où t’es ?*
Where are you dad, where are you?
*Où t’es papa où t’es ?*
Where are you dad, where are you?
*Où t’es papa où t’es ?*
Where are you dad, where are you?
*Où t’es où t’es où papa, où t’es ?*
Where are you, where are you, where are you dad, where are you?
"The Belgian singer, Stromae, lost his father in the Rwanda genocide. The lyrics represent how he, as a young Belgian boy, wondered where his father was, and when we would return to be a present figure in Stromae’s life."
Sarah Hukill well that's just fucking heartbreaking.
Merci pour le parole. :)
Thank you so much for the translation
Thank you so much for translating
Thanks so much!
Я в восторге от ударных на заднем фоне! Вот где эмоция!
ROMÂNIA /😌🎶🎶🎶 DANS /✨✨✨✨✨ 👌
так барабанов же не слышно? дважды просмотрела .. чуть в начале и, скажем так, соло в середине, а так машут руками активно, а звука то нет
This is so beautiful, I got goosebumps, please share more!!!!!I'd love to see them in a live performance.
TAP DANCE is cool for contemporary music
Amazing dancers, wonderful music choice! Like the whole video, choreography and music