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Jul 1, 2017 6:42 AM
Feb 2013
I heard their BD ranking improved drastically after the last ep finished, is it true?
Jul 1, 2017 6:47 AM

Oct 2012
Such a beautiful series.

Great wordplay on the title, and they deliver the content as well.

One of the best, if not the best original anime I've ever watched.
「友達なんていない。人はすぐに裏切るし、学校っていうのは誰かを標的にしないとやってられない馬鹿共の集 まり。ままごとみたいな役決めて、仲のいいふりして都合が悪くなったら知らんぷり。そんな奴らと仲良くした いとか全然思わない。」
Jul 1, 2017 7:40 AM

Sep 2013
i shed some tears at the ending it was so beautiful and i wish we could see more
Jul 1, 2017 7:42 AM
Jan 2016
Sgonofe said:
Kronox said:
Loved the anime, but I wanted a more realistic ending, since boys and girls at that age cant deal with a distanced relationship. I guess every story need a good final xD

Why can't teenagers at that age deal with a distanced relationship? I was a year younger than Kotarou when I had to move and my relationship was still quite solid, we could barely see each other, like once a month. Nowadays, 7 years later, we're still together, living together now, though. And well, honestly, Kotarou is way more mature than I was back then so I don't get why it is unrealistic.

From 1998... 7 years ago... now living together... 🤔
Jul 1, 2017 7:57 AM

May 2015
this is the most beautiful ending in this season~
I thought this show will get NTR ending, but thank God, it doesn't...
ez 10/10
HirotoA7Jul 1, 2017 8:02 AM
Visit our website, Loligane Indonesia!

Jul 1, 2017 8:05 AM

Apr 2013
I'm crying right here. Most satisfying love story ending I can think of. Well done, studio feel, Seiji Kishi, and to all involved! Absolute 10/10 for me.

Jul 1, 2017 8:18 AM

Jun 2013
Kronox said:
Sgonofe said:

Why can't teenagers at that age deal with a distanced relationship? I was a year younger than Kotarou when I had to move and my relationship was still quite solid, we could barely see each other, like once a month. Nowadays, 7 years later, we're still together, living together now, though. And well, honestly, Kotarou is way more mature than I was back then so I don't get why it is unrealistic.

From 1998... 7 years ago... now living together... 🤔

That would make him 19, its not exactly rare to be living wit someone at that age
Jul 1, 2017 8:18 AM

Jun 2013
lenonglevis said:
i still dont understand why this anime not even touch the 8 points. ive rate it 10 though...

best 12 episodes journey of my life :D

Haha id check again :D
Jul 1, 2017 8:26 AM

Feb 2013
Woah score now up to 8.30!

silentway said:
I heard their BD ranking improved drastically after the last ep finished, is it true?

Yes it's true. You can check this one out. Both edition is currently at #33 and #35 respectively as of this writing.
Jul 1, 2017 8:31 AM

Oct 2016
Wow, wow. The character development in this episode alone, in this 12-episode anime, sends a chill up my spine. The ending is movie-esque.

Truly "lost the battle; won the war" to perfection.
Germs_N_SpicesJul 1, 2017 8:41 AM
Jul 1, 2017 8:36 AM
Jul 2016
lenonglevis said:
i still dont understand why this anime not even touch the 8 points. ive rate it 10 though...

best 12 episodes journey of my life :D

aaaaand i check today and its at 8,30!!!!
Jul 1, 2017 9:11 AM

Aug 2015
Kronox said:
Sgonofe said:

Why can't teenagers at that age deal with a distanced relationship? I was a year younger than Kotarou when I had to move and my relationship was still quite solid, we could barely see each other, like once a month. Nowadays, 7 years later, we're still together, living together now, though. And well, honestly, Kotarou is way more mature than I was back then so I don't get why it is unrealistic.

From 1998... 7 years ago... now living together... 🤔

If you want a 'realistic' ending to your romance anime there are many out there, cases of childhood sweethearts ending up together are a thing my dude. Also you say 'at that age' yet they are anywhere from 13-14 years old and can communicate and maintain a relationship through text while also being able to see each other every now and again, not even mentioning facetime too. It's really not as unlikely as you'd like to think.
Jul 1, 2017 9:12 AM
Mar 2016
lenonglevis said:
i still dont understand why this anime not even touch the 8 points. ive rate it 10 though...

best 12 episodes journey of my life :D

IT'S 8.30 NOW BOI!!!
Jul 1, 2017 9:21 AM

Jun 2017
Grimoirre said:
lenonglevis said:
i still dont understand why this anime not even touch the 8 points. ive rate it 10 though...

best 12 episodes journey of my life :D

IT'S 8.30 NOW BOI!!!

Truly incredible how it started off with about 7.2 with its first few episodes and now it's a whooping 8.30.
#Anime4Life be my Life Motto! #PrayForKyoAni

Jul 1, 2017 9:25 AM
Mar 2016
_MushiRock11_ said:
Grimoirre said:

IT'S 8.30 NOW BOI!!!

Truly incredible how it started off with about 7.2 with its first few episodes and now it's a whooping 8.30.

Definitely, this just goes to show that fans still appreciate the craft of utilizing a great soundtrack and well written story, characters and magnificent cinematography. Coming from a fellow 3D Animator I have nothing but respect for this show. I hope the Studio knows how much people love this show, they deserve all the praise and money coming their way. Good Job Studio Feel, you did what your name set out to do.
GrimoirreJul 1, 2017 9:31 AM
Jul 1, 2017 9:53 AM

Dec 2014
Kronox said:
Sgonofe said:

Why can't teenagers at that age deal with a distanced relationship? I was a year younger than Kotarou when I had to move and my relationship was still quite solid, we could barely see each other, like once a month. Nowadays, 7 years later, we're still together, living together now, though. And well, honestly, Kotarou is way more mature than I was back then so I don't get why it is unrealistic.

From 1998... 7 years ago... now living together... 🤔

What's wrong with that? Because I'm 19 I'm not supposed to live together with someone? I don't think it is that uncommon.
Jul 1, 2017 10:23 AM

Jun 2017
Grimoirre said:
_MushiRock11_ said:

Truly incredible how it started off with about 7.2 with its first few episodes and now it's a whooping 8.30.

Definitely, this just goes to show that fans still appreciate the craft of utilizing a great soundtrack and well written story, characters and magnificent cinematography. Coming from a fellow 3D Animator I have nothing but respect for this show. I hope the Studio knows how much people love this show, they deserve all the praise and money coming their way. Good Job Studio Feel, you did what your name set out to do.

Well said bud! You simply took the words right out of my mouth. Thank you Studio Feels for this beautiful, pleasant and simple story!
#Anime4Life be my Life Motto! #PrayForKyoAni

Jul 1, 2017 11:27 AM

Aug 2013
the rating was 7.98 last time I checked and now it's bumped to 8.30
Jul 1, 2017 12:22 PM
Jan 2016
SakurasouBusters said:
Kronox said:

From 1998... 7 years ago... now living together... 🤔

That would make him 19, its not exactly rare to be living wit someone at that age

Im not talking about that, im talking about a 12yo relationship, thats a joke.
Jul 1, 2017 12:22 PM

Apr 2016
Never thought i put "teen" romance anime show in my favorite list.
Jul 1, 2017 12:23 PM
Jan 2016
Sgonofe said:
Kronox said:

From 1998... 7 years ago... now living together... 🤔

What's wrong with that? Because I'm 19 I'm not supposed to live together with someone? I don't think it is that uncommon.

I wasnt talking about living together being 19 anyways xd
Jul 1, 2017 12:37 PM

Aug 2015
silentway said:
I heard their BD ranking improved drastically after the last ep finished, is it true?
For the amazon pre-orders, yeah:
Jul 1, 2017 1:14 PM

Jun 2013
Kronox said:
SakurasouBusters said:

That would make him 19, its not exactly rare to be living wit someone at that age

Im not talking about that, im talking about a 12yo relationship, thats a joke.

Not really? Its a middle school relationship, its middle school, so its innocent, but its still a relationship. Who the fuck are you to judge?
Jul 1, 2017 1:38 PM

Aug 2014
Most complete romance I've seen in a while, wouldn't have expected it to be a LINE commercial. I appreciated the lack of heavy drama. Also, really like the shorts they had going at the start, too bad they stopped. I'm satisfied even if they kind of closed the door to s2.
QuattroVaginasJul 1, 2017 1:49 PM
Sieg Zeon!
Jul 1, 2017 1:39 PM
Dec 2011
This anime didn't do anything special at all but then again it didn't try to be special. It was quite nice for what it was.

I'm glad they at least answered with the ending what happened afterwards but honestly seeing the contents of the ending animated as a second season would have probaly led to a more interesting watch than this anime: this was a good buildup for the "afterstory" to get closer to the characters as they get closer to each other but nope I guess.


I am honestly quite surprised at the overwhelmingly positive reactions on this forum but I guess there just haven't been very many pure romance anime like this around in a long time that just aim to tell a simple romance story with no weird extra elements.
FlyffelJul 1, 2017 1:46 PM
Jul 1, 2017 2:33 PM
Mar 2016
I guess the reason people liked this is because many writers try so hard to complicate a problem or to rely on plot devices to move their story. The anime doesn't do much to revolutionize the romance genre but its sticks to it's roots and tells an incredible relatable story. I think the key here that make people gravitate towards this story is the reliability and simplicity, we've all been in these situations, we loved, we've been hurt and we've grown from that pain. I guess it also helps that Nao Toyama's soundtrack for this anime was absolutely beautiful.

On a related note, the anime just pushed to top 231 in ratings wow.
Jul 1, 2017 2:54 PM

Oct 2016
HirotoA7 said:
this is the most beautiful ending in this season~
I thought this show will get NTR ending, but thank God, it doesn't...
ez 10/10
Don't be retarded. Even if he decided to be with Chinatsu, it wouldn't be NTR.
Jul 1, 2017 3:18 PM
Jun 2014
SakurasouBusters said:
An94hero said:
That was amazing.

Guys, we must get this to at least a 8.0 (its sitting at 7.98 at the time of this comment).

Trust me, its at a 7.98 already and it has gotten over 300 more favorites in the last day! Itll get above an 8.0 easily :)

Holy shit, 8.3!

Jul 1, 2017 3:24 PM

Jul 2014
This was a sweet and innocent love story that really felt relate-able with the awkwardness and approach to dealing with your first crush as teenagers.

It was an emotional roller coaster of how they would succeed in their struggles together especially after the moving plot device happened. I was expecting a 5cm Per Sec type of bittersweet memorable ending. The after-credit ending i felt was too rushed but i guess gave a complete "ending" to the original story. I would have preferred the time skip ending to be something like :

6-12 Months Time Skip, (emotional music playing)

- Akane leaving school to go home in new town, her classmates ask her what book was she reading in class or in her bag.
- She replies a very special book or something important (zooms in to show author, Azumi her BF)
- cuts to show Azumi writing in his office in publishing company or at home etc.
- Azumi gets ready to go out.
- See them both going on different trains (suns setting) both are smiling looking at LINE chat.
- Turns out they are both going to be meeting with each other and their old friends, going to a bar or something to celebrate.
- ends with Azumi and Akane holding hands as both of them narrate (how their relationship blossomed under the beautiful moon.)
- end -
I personally would've preferred this type of ending because it shows they succeeded in their LDR and as a viewer we wish them the best.
DezraSep 28, 2017 10:21 PM
Jul 1, 2017 3:45 PM
Apr 2017
10/10 for sure! That was beautiful !! Love Akane&Kotarou.
A really nice story and beautiful ending. This is gonna be anime of the season.
Jul 1, 2017 5:16 PM

Aug 2014
Anime of 2017 so far. Also, romance anime of 2017 so far. And underrated anime of 2017 so far.

This was a great anime. The best episodes were 3-7, were they were chasing each other and having to deal with the love rivals.

From episodes 8 to the end, I didn't quite love the anime as I did from episodes 3-7. I also didn't like the timeskip ending where they took it past the first year of HS, it kinda ruined the moment.

But nonetheless, a great anime to introduce to beginners of serious romance anime. But I gotta say, that I probably wont rewatch it again.
oooo3333Jul 1, 2017 5:43 PM
Jul 1, 2017 7:25 PM
Jun 2017
Definitely a 10! This isn't your generic anime with typical characters and cliche story. It's as realistic as it gets and it manages to pull off every scene and portray ever feels, definitely the Anime of the Season. It's deserving of your time and chance of watching it, marking this as a must watch!
Jul 1, 2017 7:41 PM

Jul 2015
aaahhhhhh... AAAAAAHHHHHHH I'm happy. Was all bittersweet at first with him not passing, and all the tears, and I was being torn up inside the entire time, but that little bit at the end with their Line chats was freaking adorable and sweet as hell and I love it.

Anyway, while I did enjoy this anime quite a lot, to the point of near fangirling over certain moments, I must also say, this was slow. Like, one of the slowest things I have ever sat through. Some episodes had me feeling like I had been sitting there for an hour. And the added frustration from waiting for things to happen made it feel even longer. But again, I enjoyed this a lot, so I'm going with an 8/10.
A Wild and Small Otaku has Appeared!
Jul 1, 2017 8:00 PM
Jan 2016
SakurasouBusters said:
Kronox said:

Im not talking about that, im talking about a 12yo relationship, thats a joke.

Not really? Its a middle school relationship, its middle school, so its innocent, but its still a relationship. Who the fuck are you to judge?

It seems you never had a gf when you were 12. You dont even think to pass the rest of your life with one person at that age and 1/10000 keep that relationship. Thats why I said i wanted a fucking more realistic end. omfg this weebs thinking they know about life
Jul 1, 2017 8:19 PM

Jun 2013
Kronox said:
SakurasouBusters said:

Not really? Its a middle school relationship, its middle school, so its innocent, but its still a relationship. Who the fuck are you to judge?

It seems you never had a gf when you were 12. You dont even think to pass the rest of your life with one person at that age and 1/10000 keep that relationship. Thats why I said i wanted a fucking more realistic end. omfg this weebs thinking they know about life

All i was trying to say is that while not exceptionally likely some relationships that start out that young do work out. My parents met and started dating when they were 14 so i know its possible... So i dont think the ending was unrealistic.... And even so, im tired of those downer endings anyway... We had a happy and conclusive ending in a great romance anime.... a sad or ''realistic'' ending would have ruined everything they had been building towards in my opinion. And id appreciate you not insulting me as well, im not a weeb because i think differently.
Jul 1, 2017 9:04 PM

Dec 2014
Kronox said:
SakurasouBusters said:

That would make him 19, its not exactly rare to be living wit someone at that age

Im not talking about that, im talking about a 12yo relationship, thats a joke.

You know what's a joke? Your way of thinking, just because it might have not worked out with you doesn't mean it is always like this. Things worked out for me and I'm very happy the way it is. And I'd also appreciate if you could please not insult me. I was 13, by the way. But like SakurasouBusters said, who are you to judge?
Jul 1, 2017 10:26 PM

Jun 2013
Simple. Down to earth. Beautiful.

What a great series. Easily one the best romances as of late.
Jul 1, 2017 11:26 PM

Feb 2012
Wasn't expecting much from this when I tried it out,but it ended up being my top anime this season. Happy and satisfied with the ending
You can just be yourself. Do things your own way, one step at a time. You'll get there. Just be yourself, you'll be fine."
~Fruit Basket
Jul 1, 2017 11:39 PM

Mar 2017
The fast forwarded ending scenes really gave me FEELs!

Truth be told though, this anime felt like the longer version (+happy ending) of that 5cm per bullshit-ending anime of all time.. Tonikaku I'm happy.
nr101Jul 1, 2017 11:51 PM
Jul 1, 2017 11:42 PM

May 2015
I not gonna lie I got Déjà vu from a certain train scene and farewell I think it was named 5 something XD and I was feeling bad for the young lads especially because that "End"… meaning that Kotarou finished his work but I was thinking that the "End" was a metaphor to their relationship... and I was starting to wonder what a great anime it was but at the same time such a disappointment that they didn’t end together but understandable and then came those words - "And then" and can you picture a grown man jumping out of joy when the after credit scene began... and the freaking icing on the cake was the final scene with the whole family. Wow, just wow... Happy Beautiful ending! *Standing ovation* ♪ヽ(´▽`)ノ
Jul 2, 2017 1:03 AM

Jul 2015
Wow, what this show was amazing, in my opinion. Pacing was done really nicely. Still unsure why Hira and Chinatsu are considered main characters (most especially Hira, like wth lol). We don't even see how they end up, so that just goes to show how insignificant both of them really are.. But Aayways, I really enjoyed this series from the very beginning. I was a bit skeptical going into this show because I heard about it's 'slow-paced' romance, but I'm super glad that, despite it being slowly-paced, it clearly did not drag on. For an original anime, I'm really surprised. Azumi and Akane had such a cute relationship man. When Akane was crying at the ending, and then ran away, I couldn't help but tear up man... and lowkey I was just internally screaming at Azumi to just catch up to her lol. This definitely sucks for Chinatsu tho, since, she basically did what Azumi tried to do, which was chase after their loved one by going to the same high school. I'm curious to know how their high school lives went (like did they make friends, etc etc).

But yeah, overall, I'm left very satisfied (thanks to the ED, glad they didn't just leave off with an open-ending/cliffhanger, then again, I wouldn't mind if they were intending to cap it off with a 2nd season/OVA). I think one of the main reasons why I liked this anime so much is because of how much I can relate to this. The relationship between Azumi and Akane reminds me exactly of my relationship with this one girl back when I was their age (which was like a couple of years ago lol). And so, watching this anime made me relive those memories all over again, all those times where we'd stay up late texting, have our phones on our pillows just anticipating the other person's reply, ahh lol. But yeah, overall, I think I'm gonna have to give this either a 9/10 or a 10/10. Yeah, that may be a bit high, and this may just be my bias opinion, but like, this anime just had me feeling all types of ways, and just holds a special place for me. This was such an enjoyable ride, and it just sucks now that it's over. Let the withdrawals begin heh ^^

caught in the wonder
Jul 2, 2017 2:22 AM

Jul 2010
AoTS right here. 10/10.
“Are there some unseen roles that we have unknowingly set ourselves into, dictating the rules of engagement whenever we see each other, inevitably leading to us hurting each other?”
Jul 2, 2017 3:10 AM
Jul 2015
I think two things... In the 80's people knew shows were gonna end in a good way. There was always a good and a bad guy (no inbetween). Then 90's and mostly on 00's everyone wanted grey characters. Remember when superman changed from a GOOD guy to a more Grey Good Guy?
And if you whatch any kind of series or animes nowadays people tend to be more grey, with "good" or "bad" underline situations.

People connect more with this kind of characters because we are all grey - with few exceptions.

But sometimes people want Good things to happened. Who of us never dream of love when we had our 13/14/15 and thinking that one day you would love to have her as a wife and children? This touch our inner most dreams... Then as we grow up we learn that not always, or almost never, our first love is forever...

I don't remember the last anime (not in this last two years at least) where the characters were pure and good and had a happy ending (a close happy ending - not a open ending - which is a a trend unfortunally on animes). It's rare for anime to have a close ending. People still want to dream of pure things. People still want that dream of happiness... I think that's why this anime touch many people and the rating grow from low 7 in the beginning to 8.3

I think this anime will be one of those you will advice when someone asks you for a good anime, a romance anime, a happy anime, a sincere and honest anime.

In other way, I think the reason Youjo Senki was the suprise but in the opposite direction but also with the same effects on rating - who among you would enjoy a fascist spiteful young loli and support her?

Only animes to give us this pearls... this anime would undoubtly suck as a tv series or a book.
Jul 2, 2017 3:37 AM
Apr 2017
I just wanna spam 10!!! 10/10
Jul 2, 2017 8:48 AM

Nov 2015
I still want more of this show even though it had a good ending. Ugh..
Jul 2, 2017 8:48 AM

Oct 2015
Genix said:
definitely the best romance anime of the season.
That's not a compliment at all tbh
Jul 2, 2017 9:02 AM
Jan 2017
Nice end is what I say the end Sell me the anime I like to see the future not what they put a open end we like to see them together married and with children that is a complete anime and story só in the end has a great amine sometimes a little like just kiss the girl or just say something but that end was ooo my god love it XD
Jul 2, 2017 9:38 AM
Nov 2011
Easily 9/10..
The bad thing about this anime, is I'm kind of feel depressing since one of my favorite series this season already ended.

Honestly, im afraid this series gonna be another "5cm blablabla" since Akane gonna move to Chiba.

Well written and love the short LINE conversation in the end.
Jul 2, 2017 9:39 AM

Jan 2017
Very heartwarming ending to a rollercoaster of emotions. I totally could relate to Kotarou all the time, and the end felt so good just because they managed to stay together over this distance relationship.

Why don't they make a "Next Generation" as second season next, where we see their child having to go through his/her own youth problems with daddy/mommy giving them some advice from their own experience. That would be kind of cool.

Would I rate (which I don't do at the moment) I'd easily give this a 9/10. It was an original, the characters were very authentic, and the otherwise neglectable plot was managed to be recounted in a way that still kept you graving for the next episode.
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