Bratwurst Popper Boats

  • Опубликовано: 27 мар 2025

Комментарии • 426

  • @csw1969
    @csw1969 27 дней назад

    Whole family loved these! Absolutely will make again.

  • @JT-pp1rw
    @JT-pp1rw Год назад +1

    From Wisconsin so you know this is a definite must try

  • @jasonhollinger9513
    @jasonhollinger9513 Год назад +11

    I’m sitting here eating grilled chicken bites and wishing I had one of these. As a Hospice Chaplain and Homeless Minister who usually eats leftovers, these are the kind of leftovers I can get on board with! This will definitely make it to a weekend cook for sure. I’m a big fan of the tailgate list. Keep up the good work man!

    • @colonelJ77
      @colonelJ77 6 месяцев назад

      @@jasonhollinger9513 what? Why...nvm

  • @andrewculp8291
    @andrewculp8291 Год назад +4

    Made these today for our Bears/Packers football kickoff party.. they were absolutely fantastic!! I used Honey Hog since I didn't have what Matt used. I think I'll add more jalapeños next time and maybe some fresh into the cream cheese mixture instead of the pickled.

  • @robertpilcher3702
    @robertpilcher3702 Год назад +1

    I really enjoyed this vid.! I love how REAL you are. Some of these people have it all set up perfect and it gets unrealistic. Thanks for keeping is simple and real. I am going to try these this weekend.

  • @stephensparkman3072
    @stephensparkman3072 Год назад

    My Cajun brother in law makes a similar “Boudin Boat” almost identical but he uses boudin links wrapped in bacon and tops with Tony Chachere’s seasoning. The bacon helps keep the boudin link (stuffed with dirty rice) together. His stuffing has cream cheese, smoked finely chopped chicken livers, sautéed onions and cheese. Great video! Thx!

  • @nickparrinello3302
    @nickparrinello3302 Год назад

    Love the tailgate series! What's better then good eats good people and beers before watchin your team Sundays Monday's and maybe Thursday! Meat church in session folks

  • @UncleKrusty68
    @UncleKrusty68 Год назад +2

    I stopped watching Football years ago, but this is definitely getting tested out.

  • @johnoles6982
    @johnoles6982 Год назад

    I have been glued to your channel for years brother.. I acutely came up with a version of the smoker boats.. I make up pepper jelly with cream cheese a good jam honey hog and a dash of crushed red peppers, stack pickles and or jalapenos and spread the cheddar over the top

  • @Danny-wu8ex
    @Danny-wu8ex Год назад +1

    Same grill. Did exactly what you did. Only thing , toasted my brat buns. And had too tiny sips of my favorite. Eagle Rare. Only thing I , think I would change would be the Jalapeños. I picked the mild. Really no heat. But the flavors were incredible . Thank you for the recipe . 9-19-23.

  • @Highmtn52
    @Highmtn52 Год назад +5

    Made these and they are DIVINEEEE!! One of the easiest things I've fixed on the Traeger yet! Don't skimp - buy the MCBBQ spices! They knock it out of the ballpark.

  • @chuckT479
    @chuckT479 Год назад +3

    My man's never going to run out of content with creations like this! Great video!

  • @ChiliPepperMadness
    @ChiliPepperMadness Год назад

    That looks so good!

  • @bradolson3510
    @bradolson3510 8 месяцев назад +1

    Philly fan here. You are the first cowboys fan I’ve ever liked😂😂😂😂😂

  • @roberthartmann3518
    @roberthartmann3518 Год назад

    Made these as a start of the warmer season in the North East and it was a HIT!!

  • @schneidermanschneider8969
    @schneidermanschneider8969 Год назад

    Thank you for all of your videos. You are always my go to place to find awesome things to cook for my friends and family. I have even competed in a couple small local ribs cook offs and have done well with your seasonings. I love this channel! Thanks again for all your teachings and advice. I love it!

  • @michaelwright-tu6qb
    @michaelwright-tu6qb 11 месяцев назад

    Displaced Texan here, grew up in Austin in early 1950s. Enjoy your videos.

  • @mikecallen3610
    @mikecallen3610 Год назад +3

    I am so going to adapt this to a slider!! Hawaiian rolls, cooked sausage, the cream cheese mix, jalapeños, caramelized onions and mustard. Less messy but all Mat's flavors.

    • @DannyMacNair
      @DannyMacNair Год назад +1

      I was thinking Hawaiian rolls as well

  • @sherriestone94
    @sherriestone94 Год назад +2

    Hubby found this recipe a few days ago and he made them tonight ,oh my goodness they are the 💣 BOMB ,thank you for such an awesome meal.Oh and he did it with the Brats to sooooo good

  • @stwilliams79
    @stwilliams79 9 месяцев назад

    I made these tonight. Didn't have your seasonings.. but.. had some decent ones... These were EPIC!! I chopped up a bunch of bacon and mixed it with my cream cheese mixture... Seriously good!!

  • @oiamthging
    @oiamthging 5 месяцев назад

    Strong work, I’m gonna have to make that game day.

  • @126Roadmaster
    @126Roadmaster 8 дней назад

    I make these with cream cheese and sauerkraut…it is delicious

  • @felipedias5959
    @felipedias5959 Год назад

    I always make it for my family and they love the barbecue you teach. thank you for the dedication and time you spend making videos for us

  • @berteisenbraun7415
    @berteisenbraun7415 6 месяцев назад

    My son in law is a HUGE Cowboys fan and when you said the Cowboys are aways disappointing us I laughed so hard. Just like my team the Nebraska Corn Huskers! 😂

  • @Breadman111
    @Breadman111 Год назад +3

    Matt you always take regular proteins and get irregular results! I love the videos and if ya'll haven't made it to one of his cooking classes, get on it! A ton of fun and you get to eat some great food as well. Keep 'em coming MC!!

  • @VeRTiGo9191
    @VeRTiGo9191 Год назад +1

    Absolutely, positively making these!!

  • @mealtimemedia
    @mealtimemedia Год назад

    Such a unique and easy idea, I stuffed mine with some jalapeño popper dip and smoked em and it was awesome! Great idea

  • @leetween7232
    @leetween7232 Год назад +1

    I made these for my family tonight and WOW they are so good. Definitely a make again for me!

  • @patbennett1004
    @patbennett1004 Год назад +1

    Love the tailgate recipes and all your work and products. Have to admit though, I am from Australia, and I did not know what was meant by the term 'Tailgate' so I googled it. It sounds unreal and I reckon it would make our football experience heaps better too. I see how much you love your NFL, so If you haven't heard of or watched any before, have a look at Australian Rugby League. It is our version of Gridiron that we love in NSW, QLD and over in New Zealand. Thanks for your videos! Look forward to more.

  • @toddhamlin4291
    @toddhamlin4291 Год назад +1

    I’m trying this Sunday but I made some cream dip for the “Pig Shots” I made last week and used your Gospel. I’m hooked and will substitute for the “Honey Bacon”. Thanks for your great spices sir.

  • @1320pass
    @1320pass 8 месяцев назад

    Bud, that looks legit. Gonna steal this recipe.

  • @waynegrieco9752
    @waynegrieco9752 Год назад +1

    On the bun sounds and looks YUMMY !!!!

  • @leenix7923
    @leenix7923 Год назад

    Using Meat Church playlist for this year tailgating over here in your home state and they have been a big hit. I have become the tailgate cook because the variety is unique. Thanks for these and go Cowboys but War Damn Eagle!!!

  • @seanreprogle1371
    @seanreprogle1371 Год назад

    Making these tonight! Can't wait to try them.

  • @jabraymer
    @jabraymer Год назад

    These are going on in a half hour! Glad to see my local Academy had all the rubs too.

  • @TTGTO288
    @TTGTO288 Год назад

    Another great video. Can't wait to make these.

  • @delbridge11l
    @delbridge11l Год назад +1

    I had these a couple weeks ago at a cookout! Can’t believe I had a wild awesome recipe before the video hit!

  • @Pauly365
    @Pauly365 5 месяцев назад

    Not sure Id make them, but i would definitely try one.

  • @PTXrainman77
    @PTXrainman77 Год назад +1

    Before I got to the end of the video I was thinking "Damn, I want to try this and put in a hot dog bun or hoagie roll with grilled onions and peppers" and sure enough, you did! great video.

  • @DanielShafer-f9b
    @DanielShafer-f9b 9 месяцев назад

    I 💯 percent agree!!! Honey bacon rub is my go to for almost everything I smoke? Hands down the best!!

  • @danielcain-og5gs
    @danielcain-og5gs Год назад

    Was wondering what to make for Saturdays games. Now I know. Thanks. How I didn't find this channel before is mystery, but I'm here now.

  • @hwm613
    @hwm613 Год назад

    Hey Matt! I live in Los Angeles and I just you featured in a commercial for Del Taco. Congratulation!!, I hope they are paying big $$$$$! God Bless!!

  • @x1CINCOx3
    @x1CINCOx3 Год назад

    Love the tailgate series and we'll honestly all of them.. I'm here in Texas chanting RRAIIDERRSSS...

  • @rudevalve
    @rudevalve Год назад +1

    Certified Gold!!!!!

  • @chrissimmons6358
    @chrissimmons6358 Год назад +4

    Definitely look forward to Wednesdays videos and will be trying this 1 out this weekend for College Gameday. The Honey Hott wings & Nashville chicken rocked last Saturday. Thanks

  • @kingsaltman
    @kingsaltman Год назад

    Just made these to eat before the Cowboys game, and holy moly!!

  • @AFFLYMedic
    @AFFLYMedic Год назад

    Bro, so like I am laid up right now after a foot surgery and been missing being outside grilling. I used that seasoning on some porkchops in the air fryer and they were FIRE! Such a great seasoning! I use all your seasonings on everything from brisket to chicken wings and fajitas...LOVE ME some Meat Church BBQ!

  • @absoz
    @absoz Год назад

    Matt, that looks superb - cheers from down under

  • @randyletourneau3430
    @randyletourneau3430 Год назад +2

    I laughed out loud as he was putting the cream cheese in the first brat, I thought, “you could wrap that in bacon,” and POW, Matt says, “you can wrap this in bacon!!!”

  • @stilldajoker
    @stilldajoker Год назад

    In the start of Back to School Rodney Dangerfield makes this sandwich. I've used that from then on to stuff a bunch in sliced bread. Scoop out some of the bread -- works great.

  • @larrymcmakin1153
    @larrymcmakin1153 Год назад

    Oh yeah! I'll be making these soon. Thanks for sharing.

  • @jonsmalls2649
    @jonsmalls2649 Год назад

    Love the tailgate series man. You’ve made game days a lot tastier at my house

  • @blindsquirrelproductions6040
    @blindsquirrelproductions6040 Год назад

    As always, great video and creative recipe ideas..Keep em coming!

  • @mikeheifort4272
    @mikeheifort4272 6 месяцев назад

    Looks amazing buddy

  • @Jason_903
    @Jason_903 9 месяцев назад

    Roll tide!looks awesome

  • @Helcha1215
    @Helcha1215 Год назад

    Love your recipes! Making these and mixing some bacon bits into the cream cheese! 😋

  • @waynebrewer9374
    @waynebrewer9374 Год назад

    If you come to Charlotte for the Cowboys Panthers game, come tailgate with us! Speaking of teams disappointing you. The only thing I look forward to anymore is the tailgate. Thanks for the great recipes! Im always using them at my tailgates and home.

  • @cherylmassie2554
    @cherylmassie2554 Год назад

    These look delicious!

  • @Tisely3
    @Tisely3 Год назад +1

    in the words of our buddy DJ Khalid, ANOTHER ONE!!! Looks awesome with my family ties to WI this is a good one.

  • @drdavemd
    @drdavemd Год назад

    Been wanting to do this since the original video mentioned came out. It’s happening this week! Thx for sharing.

  • @frankkottwitz6279
    @frankkottwitz6279 Год назад

    I know what I’m making this weekend along with some pit beans. Way to go sir

  • @s.a.stewart2743
    @s.a.stewart2743 Год назад

    I am going to try this. But I will also make some using Italian sausage with mozzarella chesse and Italian seasonings. Maybe even serve those on big sausage buns that have been transformed into garlic bread. Spicy red sauce for a condiment.

  • @fudd4lumpy
    @fudd4lumpy Год назад

    These were outstanding. Will be making these again.

  • @PaulLaurinD
    @PaulLaurinD 6 месяцев назад

    Throw bacon pieces in the mixture. God Brother I have made many of your delicious food. Just bought some rubs from MC BBQ
    Making me hungry and I have your Texas chili recipe in my slow cooker at the moment- really appreciate your videos

  • @PSSKDerby
    @PSSKDerby Год назад

    Great video Matt! That looks absolutely amazing. Gotta try this one. Who am I kidding, I try most of your recipes. Lol
    Thanks for sharing!!!

  • @bbqem
    @bbqem Год назад +1

    Looks good and I will have to try it out. I will definitely try to get a little more heat on the casings though. I like a little crispy char on em.

  • @sandyfranklin552
    @sandyfranklin552 Год назад +1

    Hey love your videos!!! Where do u get those black gloves your using to pick up your hot wire racks?? Thanks alot

  • @jenjonnybravo
    @jenjonnybravo Месяц назад

    I would totally drive the hour and a half to you to get one of these!!!!

  • @BrisketMedic
    @BrisketMedic Год назад

    You know what would kick these up a notch? Big wicks set at the end. (I did at the American Royal this year and won an award!)

  • @bonexsher
    @bonexsher Год назад

    as aways you are 110% nice job. can't wait to go to the new store.

  • @garytingler3222
    @garytingler3222 Год назад

    I use the Honey Bacon on a lot of stuff. It is a fantastic rub.

  • @barrytooker6539
    @barrytooker6539 Год назад +1

    Definitely making these real soon . TY Matt !!!

  • @DeneaceReel-fq8wp
    @DeneaceReel-fq8wp Год назад

    Matt these look amazing!!! It's made me think of dressing, like stuffed shrimp. I mean down home Southern style, not that boxed stuff. Real cornbread dressing minus the shredded chicken. I believe that would balance the greasiness of the brat. Oh what a bite! As a Mex/Caucasian I love spicy, can eat a fresh jalapeno on anything, but those pickled jalapenos from Mt Olive are kicking, I love em.

  • @jensbekmann4454
    @jensbekmann4454 Год назад

    As a Broncos fan I know that feeling… beer and brats help.
    And as a citizen of the home of Bratwurst you have my approval!

  • @corymason9452
    @corymason9452 Год назад

    This is a great idea I've done filled with sauerkraut then wrapped in bacon topped with spicy mustard

  • @Dwarloc
    @Dwarloc 6 месяцев назад

    OMG, my I be so bold as to make a next level suggestion to you all.. wrap those in roasted green chili's after cooking, so incredibly delicious.

  • @johnwiggins4490
    @johnwiggins4490 Год назад

    I will try this weekend.

  • @Gabe511
    @Gabe511 Год назад

    I'm always picking up sausage at my local butcher so these would be perfect!

  • @CherokeeRestoration
    @CherokeeRestoration Год назад

    Matt, just made these tonight. Fantastic. I used your Texas Money and it was money

  • @randymo8709
    @randymo8709 Год назад

    Love the snap of that brat even though you had sliced it open. Maybe some cheddar on top of the brat part way through the cook.

  • @brinakaraway6882
    @brinakaraway6882 Год назад

    @5:30 just last weekend i was straight up sampling that stuff (more thgan once) straight out of the jar. I wasn't even barbecuing anything, it was just chilling on my counter so yeah it's good.

  • @MG-G2G
    @MG-G2G Год назад

    Just received my Ocho!!! Going for it brother!

  • @Alwayswatchin2534
    @Alwayswatchin2534 Год назад

    Culinary genius!

  • @Amocoru
    @Amocoru Год назад

    Honey Bacon is so good on ribs and pulled pork. I layer it with holy gospel. Too good.

  • @racerty
    @racerty Год назад

    Matt, your videos always have great information. I’ll have to try this on the Wisconsin famous beer brat and the 20 other flavored brats my grocery store makes. Cheers!

  • @sevans66
    @sevans66 Год назад +1

    I wish I lived closer, I would live at your shop on Saturdays

  • @streetsgamer42
    @streetsgamer42 Год назад

    Showed my wife this video, and she insisted we make them tonight. Paired well with some elote dip, chips, and ice cold beer!

  • @lastzombiehunter
    @lastzombiehunter 6 месяцев назад

    I would bake or microwave the bacon for half the time needed to be fully cooked . Furthermore, I would boil the brats in beer for half time needed before adding the cream filling ..I think I'm going to making some of these today

  • @jimwatson5490
    @jimwatson5490 Год назад

    Love it! Keep it going!!!

  • @whatsdenniscooking6746
    @whatsdenniscooking6746 Год назад +2

    Matt,looks awesome! Go Chiefs although my wife would be with you. She's been a Cowboys fan since she was knee high to a jack rabbit.

    • @MeatChurchBBQ
      @MeatChurchBBQ  Год назад +1

      Tough one last night. Those WRs couldn't hang on to the ball.

    • @whatsdenniscooking6746
      @whatsdenniscooking6746 Год назад

      @MeatChurchBBQ maybe the boys play good sunday night.

  • @d-averion5011
    @d-averion5011 Год назад

    Thanks Matt, great video. Cheers

  • @ralphmarsh9415
    @ralphmarsh9415 Год назад +1

    I bet candied jalapeños would work on these too!

  • @slappyjones2136
    @slappyjones2136 Год назад

    I love that he takes swings at the Cowboys in his videos. As a Bears fan, I wish my team was as good as the Boys. But I apprecaite the jabs nonetheless

  • @henningkemner1833
    @henningkemner1833 Год назад

    Bacon bits in the Creme Cheese filling would be fabulous.
    or drizzled on top before grill.
    Maple Bacon,
    Sweet with the spicy fresh Jalapenos.

  • @edfaulk2868
    @edfaulk2868 Год назад

    Looks like I will be bringing these to our football Sunday Funday this weekend! Thanks for the inspiration.......I think I'm going to cut in half to try and reduce the size a bit and make canoes from there.

  • @Cnmetz2
    @Cnmetz2 Год назад

    I’m sure Green Bay would love to have you back!

  • @brad_neal
    @brad_neal Год назад +3

    Yep, this one is going down tomorrow - can't wait!

  • @scottangus3554
    @scottangus3554 Год назад

    Gonna make these Sunday before the Cowboy game (at home).

  • @FreeBird614Two
    @FreeBird614Two Год назад

    Great recipe and video... curious if we will ever see you cook in our outdoor kitchen again?

    • @MeatChurchBBQ
      @MeatChurchBBQ  Год назад +1

      Ohh hell yea. It's just been too hot. It's 107 today. Next week's video is in the outdoor kitchen.

    • @FreeBird614Two
      @FreeBird614Two Год назад

      really enjoy the outdoor kitchen videos, and I'm sure there is better access to beer there ... looking forward to it! @@MeatChurchBBQ

  • @jeffjohns3492
    @jeffjohns3492 Год назад

    Dang Matt ! They are good . Only thing I did different was do the jalapeños in garlic and butter on the grill too