Fried Chicken? Who makes the best?

Fried Chicken, Who makes the best?

  • Kentucky Fried Chicken

    Votes: 17 44.7%
  • Popeye's

    Votes: 8 21.1%
  • Church's

    Votes: 3 7.9%
  • Banquet

    Votes: 2 5.3%
  • Homemade

    Votes: 10 26.3%
  • Other - Specify

    Votes: 10 26.3%

  • Total voters
Its a known fact that its all about the Fried Chicken! With that said, Which is the best?


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Homemade without a doubt!


knows petras secret: she farted.
yeah, homemade.

a) massively produced chicken is so scary.

b) wtf. why is getting a bucket of chicken so expensive?!

c) if you make it at home, you can make it exactly how you like it.

my girl and i both make pretty good friend chicken. she loves the stuff, i can live without it, though once in a while it sounds good.
Unfortunately, my vegan gf forbids me from eating KFC, and I've never had the others. KFC is good, but homemade is where it's at. Homemade anything is where it's at.


knows petras secret: she farted.
Unfortunately, my vegan gf forbids me from eating KFC,

shes on to something. that stuff is really gross. ill never forget those exposes on their chicken farms. im sure it tastes good but depending on how you look at food, its pretty gnarly shit.

there's tons of people who don't care and that's cool with me but for me, where the stuff comes from matters as much as taste.

it makes me wanna be a vegetarian again. ewies.
Popeye's Spicy Cajun recipe is fucking great. I'm not too fond of Kentucky Fried Critter.
what the hell? you totally forgot about the awesome Bojangles

When I lived in Southwest VA, that was good...only on breakfast sandwiches...(and on a side note...their hash-rounds were great)

'm not too fond of Kentucky Fried Critter.

And now KFC is trying to pass themselves off as Kentucky Grilled Critter.

shes on to something. that stuff is really gross. ill never forget those exposes on their chicken farms. im sure it tastes good but depending on how you look at food, its pretty gnarly shit.

there's tons of people who don't care and that's cool with me but for me, where the stuff comes from matters as much as taste.

it makes me wanna be a vegetarian again. ewies.

I feel you on this! Most 'fast-food' grade fried chicken grosses me out as well now-days!
I know the mass produced chicken chains usually bring up the controversy but its just so damn tasty! :drool2:
But each has there own wins I guess, I like the boneless honey BBQ wings and the famous bowl at KFC and Popeyes batter is the bomb, also nice moist meat too, to me Church's is good but not as great as the first two. Occasionally I like to buy the Banquet Box in the frozen section of the supermarket if I'm lazy, stuff is addicting, greasy goodness!