Aug 26, 2017 3:14 PM
It's disgusting to masturbate in general. Especially to cartoons. Stop touching yourself and let GOd in your lives. |
Aug 26, 2017 3:18 PM
@Nocturn3 Now YOU are the one trying to seem smart "Yes, because age restriction always stop people from watching porn ahahah. What a joke." Yeah, man, nor laws prevent people from comitting crimes, crazy, hum? By the same logic as yours, news programs shouldn't report crimes because it can incentivate people of commiting those same crimes. Same goes for movies, series, soap operas, theater, music, and we are at Orwell's 1984. "Proved wrong?! Sure.... Believe that if it makes you happy. Not even knowing the difference between a definition and how you gain a habit (the process. " When you say "The X is Y", you're saying that the definition of X is, well... Y. You can't actually say afterwards that you were actually talking about Z or W. But even if we suppose you were, i still proved that point wrong in other posts. "Don't bother replying." The edge is real. |
Aug 26, 2017 3:27 PM
VladimirNabokov said: There are different ways how to look at it though. For once, it is actually better to watch Hentai instead of porn, as that way less women will have to get forced to do those sex scenes, also the number of prostitutes of under-aged women could decline (at least that is what I think about that matter, though as I'm gonna say it in the next paragraph, it all depends on what you are talking about). In the end it all depends on ones preferences and what they prefer. If one likes to fap to 2d, let him fap to 2d, if one however prefers to fap to 3d, fine! This ^ you beat me to it. Anyways, regarding the one (hentai) being disgusting and the other (porn) not is just ridiculous. But i've definitively heard it a lot, worst of all, from porn consumers. People always want to criticize or complain about that which they don't share/understand. As a hentai watcher it's not like i go around criticizing someone's porn preference, i can certainty criticise some aspects, ethical aspects regarding the industry's treatment of its workers, but not the media in itself. It's as absurd as to say that someone that prefers pizza over pasta is disgusting for doing so. As for the debate about women representation in it let's just face it, being both directed strongly towards the male population, it's not going to be roses and sweets. So no big news here. |
Vzla-IT |
Aug 26, 2017 3:29 PM
I mean, you can embarrass and degrade a girl way more in hentai cause wish fulfillment. IRL porn doesn't have tentacles for starters. |
Aug 26, 2017 3:33 PM
code said: It's disgusting to masturbate in general. Especially to cartoons. Stop touching yourself and let GOd in your lives. I'm dying really hahahhsjkhdkjashdkhsjd. That is cute and all xD |
Vzla-IT |
Aug 26, 2017 3:44 PM
If I find a kink disgusting I find it equally disgusting in porn and hentai. |
Aug 26, 2017 3:53 PM
Honestly some hentai is worse since one of the most popular forms of hentai is pedophilia... Even though it's fake it's still equally as wrong and if you watch it you're admitting to having sick thoughts about underaged children... Besides the pedophilia, hentai and regular porn are equally as degrading... |
Aug 26, 2017 4:46 PM
Its not inherently degrading or depraved but it is however worth noting the only limitation to hentai is the imagination. That can be a good or bad thing. KannoSugako said: It's disgusting to masturbate in general. Especially to cartoons. Stop touching yourself and let GOd in your lives. To be fair the human body and all of biology is pretty disgusting when its all broken down into individual parts. And remove the sexual appetite from the equation and things start to just look nasty pretty quick... |
LayedBackAug 26, 2017 4:50 PM
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Aug 26, 2017 4:58 PM
LayedBack said: Its not inherently degrading or depraved but it is however worth noting the only limitation to hentai is the imagination. That can be a good or bad thing. KannoSugako said: It's disgusting to masturbate in general. Especially to cartoons. Stop touching yourself and let GOd in your lives. To be fair the human body and all of biology is pretty disgusting when its all broken down into individual parts. And remove the sexual appetite from the equation and things start to just look nasty pretty quick... OMG when you quoted my quote of another user it looked like i said that! Whyyyyy!? *horrified* Masturbation is beautiful <3 And yes, the individual parts without the sexual drive are not what you'll call appealing but still, we are animals and can't help it. So i don't care :) Joke time: |
Vzla-IT |
Aug 26, 2017 5:18 PM
With real porn you got people doing the deed for their paycheck. With hentai you got people providing their voices for animations doing the deed. You don't even know what the actors look like. Take from that what you will. Kuraokani said: The major difference that I've found is that a lot of hentai is Loli hentai. Legal hentai does have prepubescent girls. They even tell you their age. Really? If anything, I'd say hentai with little girls in it is some of the rarest. I just went through the 144 hentai I've completed and found only 6 that may fit the bill (supposedly prepubescent girls). Take it with a grain of salt though, I'm not sure about some of their ages: You say there's a lot. Would you be willing to list at least 10 more apart from mine that you may have seen? Making a claim is fine as long as you can back it up. Also good to remember that loli =/= prepubescent. |
Aug 26, 2017 6:06 PM
DoubleMangekyo said: piece these together if you willWith real porn you got people doing the deed for their paycheck. With hentai you got people providing their voices for animations doing the deed. You don't even know what the actors look like. Take from that what you will. Kuraokani said: The major difference that I've found is that a lot of hentai is Loli hentai. Legal hentai does have prepubescent girls. They even tell you their age. Really? If anything, I'd say hentai with little girls in it is some of the rarest. I just went through the 144 hentai I've completed and found only 6 that may fit the bill (supposedly prepubescent girls). Take it with a grain of salt though, I'm not sure about some of their ages: You say there's a lot. Would you be willing to list at least 10 more apart from mine that you may have seen? Making a claim is fine as long as you can back it up. Also good to remember that loli =/= prepubescent. loli - A Japanese slang term which represents a cultural version of a more youthful or childlike female appearance. For example, girls under the age of 13 or 14 can be considered lolis. However, females whose bodies have not yet reached adulthood can also be considered lolis whilst disregarding their age as criteria. Prepubesent - relating to or in the period preceding puberty. Average age girls hit puberty - On average, girls start puberty between the ages of 8 and 13, but some will start to develop breasts, pubic hair, or body odor before age 8. The technical term for this is precocious puberty. Girls are more likely than boys to develop precocious puberty. When I say "most" I'm talking about what videos I see most of on hentaihaven or kisshentai. The tag "Loli" is in alot of the videos. As far as listing them, I would have to so look at said sites to be able to give you 10 because I don't watch loli hentai. |
Aug 26, 2017 10:21 PM
I'm not up-to-date on hentai, so unless we're talkin' Bondage Game where... ...Actually, never mind. Considering that barf parties and soup kitchens are a thing, I'm 100% sure that there's a live action equivalent to Bondage Game; same for Princess 69 on the deep/dark web thousands of times over. |
Aug 27, 2017 5:27 AM
Hentai said: Now if you're talking degrading women, then rape hentai probably has porn beat. This is because most hentai characters have personality and a mental state. Porn doesn't touch on that, they're usually just a fuck show. This is important because hentai loves to break the will of female characters to show how easy it is to convert them into nymphos. You don't see that kind of stuff in regular porn. I agree with this observation, but is it a good thing or a bad thing? On one hand, the women in hentai have personality. On the other hand, their wills often get broken. Nyah_Chan said: Honestly some hentai is worse since one of the most popular forms of hentai is pedophilia... Even though it's fake it's still equally as wrong and if you watch it you're admitting to having sick thoughts about underaged children... You really have to get your facts straight. Sure, hentai has plenty of pedophile-friendly content, but is it really all that popular? Hentai is usually about teenage girls, just like regular anime. Or do you mean that there are a lot of "loli" searches on hentai websites? If so, it's not because they're popular, it's because anime provides most of pedophile-friendly content easily available on the net. Sure, there are also nudist stuff and some sites which showcase dressed little girls, but real child porn is both unethical and inaccessible. And as usual for many genres, anime comes to the rescue. Isn't it nice that pedophiles can satisfy themselves with drawings, and real children remain unmolested? code said: It's disgusting to masturbate in general. Especially to cartoons. Stop touching yourself and let GOd in your lives. It's disgusting to talk to imaginary friends. Especially when you share the friend with millions of other people - what kind of friend is that? Masturbation is a lot more reasonable and healthy. AniJan said: but one's animated and one's real. therefore the animated one is more degrading I don't have a clue how did you arrive at this conclusion based on these premises. |
Aug 27, 2017 6:51 PM
"Yeah, i'm crying with laughter. ever heard of real life amateur porn? lol the irony because fake bloated tits and other unrealistic shit in hentai is more fake than anything you'll ever see in real people porn. yeah i do because you're acting like that shit is better than real porn which just proves my point about it being fucking up your mind cos you never gonna get that shit. you're just bored of regular porn so you go at more extreme stuff it just gets worse. besides the wierd pregnant fetish, futa and lolicon shit is something i dont want to be apart of you hardcore jerk addicts." (just taking a role of a person who thinks hentai is disgusting but porn for some reason is okay. i just want to see how you would reply) |
Aug 27, 2017 7:52 PM
There's nothing degrading about either/or? Most ppl will watch at least one or the other, maybe even both. Nothing wrong with it IMO. |
Aug 27, 2017 8:00 PM
I mean, if I'm going to be honest, certain scenarios would make hentai more degrading because you have a lot more non-con with stuff like tentacles and the likes as well as shota and loli porn. But if we're talking run of the mill hentai, then not really. I think it's too broad of a spectrum to really compare. |
Aug 27, 2017 9:31 PM
They are both equally disgusting or both equally ok, anyone who says otherwise has a double standard. It's just a case of one being more mainstream than the other, so it's a case of "so many does it that it's normal". |
If your favourite character is Tsutsukakushi Tsukiko, you are my soul mate. Been a long time since I've been here, I'll continue expressing myself freely and believe everyone should too. My MAL Interview |
Aug 27, 2017 10:28 PM
BurningSpirit said: "Yeah, i'm crying with laughter. ever heard of real life amateur porn? lol the irony because fake bloated tits and other unrealistic shit in hentai is more fake than anything you'll ever see in real people porn. yeah i do because you're acting like that shit is better than real porn which just proves my point about it being fucking up your mind cos you never gonna get that shit. you're just bored of regular porn so you go at more extreme stuff it just gets worse. besides the wierd pregnant fetish, futa and lolicon shit is something i dont want to be apart of you hardcore jerk addicts."They are both equally disgusting or both equally ok, anyone who says otherwise has a double standard. It's just a case of one being more mainstream than the other, so it's a case of "so many does it that it's normal". (i do not mean any of the things ive said, i just want to see how others view something as preposterous as this) |
Aug 27, 2017 10:29 PM
Ikaros_42oh said: AniJan said: Ikaros_42oh said: regular porn (most of it) is very fake too (damn beat by 30 secs...) hentai is often over exaggerated but i dont think its anymore degrading because the 'extra fakeness' if you will of being drawn makes up for the weird shit that happens lol but one's animated and one's real. therefore the animated one is more degrading and wut do you mean fake. :o (just taking the role of a persistent person) oh please i like some persistence and replies Porn cliches and fake tits/cum and shit... you can get some unrealistic expectations from porn almost because its easier to trick your mind into thinking thats what happens (not saying the fuckin aint real but the chances of you doin that, ha) whereas hentai its so obviously fake and animated/far away from reality (some of the stories can be realistic but unless you have animevision its never ever happening lol).... How would you respond to something like this? "Yeah, i'm crying with laughter. ever heard of real life amateur porn? lol the irony because fake bloated tits and other unrealistic shit in hentai is more fake than anything you'll ever see in real people porn. yeah i do because you're acting like that shit is better than real porn which just proves my point about it being fucking up your mind cos you never gonna get that shit. you're just bored of regular porn so you go at more extreme stuff it just gets worse. besides the wierd pregnant fetish, futa and lolicon shit is something i dont want to be apart of you hardcore jerk addicts." (i do not mean any of the things ive said, i just want to see how others view something as preposterous as this) |
Aug 27, 2017 10:40 PM
AniJan said: Ikaros_42oh said: AniJan said: Ikaros_42oh said: regular porn (most of it) is very fake too (damn beat by 30 secs...) hentai is often over exaggerated but i dont think its anymore degrading because the 'extra fakeness' if you will of being drawn makes up for the weird shit that happens lol but one's animated and one's real. therefore the animated one is more degrading and wut do you mean fake. :o (just taking the role of a persistent person) oh please i like some persistence and replies Porn cliches and fake tits/cum and shit... you can get some unrealistic expectations from porn almost because its easier to trick your mind into thinking thats what happens (not saying the fuckin aint real but the chances of you doin that, ha) whereas hentai its so obviously fake and animated/far away from reality (some of the stories can be realistic but unless you have animevision its never ever happening lol).... How would you respond to something like this? "Yeah, i'm crying with laughter. ever heard of real life amateur porn? lol the irony because fake bloated tits and other unrealistic shit in hentai is more fake than anything you'll ever see in real people porn. yeah i do because you're acting like that shit is better than real porn which just proves my point about it being fucking up your mind cos you never gonna get that shit. you're just bored of regular porn so you go at more extreme stuff it just gets worse. besides the wierd pregnant fetish, futa and lolicon shit is something i dont want to be apart of you hardcore jerk addicts." (i do not mean any of the things ive said, i just want to see how others view something as preposterous as this) thats well memed' "jerk addicts" hahaha |
イカロス --I K A R O S D E S U-- "Hai master" <3cruise ![]() Becoming the bell of my heart dont click here, baka -->> |
Aug 27, 2017 10:50 PM
Mindbreak is what's saving hentai. |
"... Because when you live in this world of my closed eyes... ... Being alone is very lonely...". |
Aug 28, 2017 12:23 AM
It's 2D, so it doesn't matter how "degrading" it is. Nobody's getting fucked like in real 3D porn, so there should be no reason to get upset over it. Even if it's rapey or loli or whatever, it's still fiction. |
Aug 28, 2017 12:42 AM
It really isn't, in fact it's probably more beneficial to support drawn porn than the billion dollar American sex industry. The only reason people would have any reason to find it disgusting would be something to do with social norms I suppose. |
Aug 28, 2017 12:45 AM
I don't really see much difference other than that hentai is... drawn. But I don't like hentai nor pron anyway :| |
Aug 28, 2017 12:53 AM
I am terrified, of actual girls. That's why I'm much more attracted to anime girls, sexually and romantically. |
Aug 28, 2017 12:54 AM
Neonoia said: Mindbreak is what's saving hentai. Wrong. A new genre has been discovered that is saving hentai: Gentle, femdom. What is hotter than a sexually dominant girl? A gentle, sexually dominant girl. Yeah. |
Aug 28, 2017 1:56 AM
imo, regular porn is the same thing over and over again..gets repetitive and boring later may be interesting at start but you'll eventually get bored of it. On the other hand i find Hentai more interesting and appealing because some hentai actually have a decent storyline along with the sex scenes ofc.. Now dont get me wrong, that dosent mean im interested more in 2D than the real world. |
Aug 28, 2017 7:05 AM
AniJan said: "Yeah, i'm crying with laughter. ever heard of real life amateur porn? lol the irony because fake bloated tits and other unrealistic shit in hentai is more fake than anything you'll ever see in real people porn. yeah i do because you're acting like that shit is better than real porn which just proves my point about it being fucking up your mind cos you never gonna get that shit. you're just bored of regular porn so you go at more extreme stuff it just gets worse. besides the wierd pregnant fetish, futa and lolicon shit is something i dont want to be apart of you hardcore jerk addicts." (i do not mean any of the things ive said, i just want to see how others view something as preposterous as this) In reply to your hypothetical conversation... I'm someone that thinks both porn and hentai are disgusting. I'm defending hentai watchers not as one myself, but as someone who thinks regular porn is just as disgusting. It's absolutely hilarious to see someone taking a moral high ground in watching regular porn as opposed to hentai. Also since when is fakeness proportional to someone's level of disgust? Celebrities have fake as fuck faces and bodies, but I'm sure countless people fap over them. |
If your favourite character is Tsutsukakushi Tsukiko, you are my soul mate. Been a long time since I've been here, I'll continue expressing myself freely and believe everyone should too. My MAL Interview |
Aug 28, 2017 7:12 AM
Ericonator said: Regular porn is staged anyway, so no. Um....did you think it was real? lol. |
Aug 28, 2017 7:17 AM
--ALEX-- said: Don't know how you got to that conclusion, but I don't.Ericonator said: Regular porn is staged anyway, so no. Um....did you think it was real? lol. |
Aug 28, 2017 7:27 AM
Aug 28, 2017 8:18 AM
BurningSpirit said: AniJan said: "Yeah, i'm crying with laughter. ever heard of real life amateur porn? lol the irony because fake bloated tits and other unrealistic shit in hentai is more fake than anything you'll ever see in real people porn. yeah i do because you're acting like that shit is better than real porn which just proves my point about it being fucking up your mind cos you never gonna get that shit. you're just bored of regular porn so you go at more extreme stuff it just gets worse. besides the wierd pregnant fetish, futa and lolicon shit is something i dont want to be apart of you hardcore jerk addicts." (i do not mean any of the things ive said, i just want to see how others view something as preposterous as this) In reply to your hypothetical conversation... I'm someone that thinks both porn and hentai are disgusting. I'm defending hentai watchers not as one myself, but as someone who thinks regular porn is just as disgusting. It's absolutely hilarious to see someone taking a moral high ground in watching regular porn as opposed to hentai. Also since when is fakeness proportional to someone's level of disgust? Celebrities have fake as fuck faces and bodies, but I'm sure countless people fap over them. But isn't masturbating to things that are not real more pathetic than regular porn? Also, hentai contains stuff like weird fetishes, pregnant woman getting fucked, and little girls getting fucked, so isn't it pathetic to fap to that? getting aroused by stuff that isn't real must make that person really pathetic and degrading right? I mean porn doesn't CONTAIN any of that stuff. |
Aug 28, 2017 10:14 AM
thewiru said: Nocturn3 said: They are both degrading. In both you're normally objectifying one of the subjects, normally the women. The thing is, you watch what you like and don't give a fuck about what people think ;) It's none of their business "objectification" is BS. You can only objectivy individuals, not concepts, if you're "objectifying the concept of a woman"... who cares? In porn movies' case, no one if actually being objectified, they are consensual adults that signed contracts out of their free will while offering their services. Ehhhh I don't really think it's "out of their free will". Most of the porn actors got dragged into it and agree to do it just to get money for drugs. I've read many porn actors use drugs and pornography is an easy way to get these. |
Aug 28, 2017 3:27 PM
AniJan said: But isn't masturbating to things that are not real more pathetic than regular porn? Also, hentai contains stuff like weird fetishes, pregnant woman getting fucked, and little girls getting fucked, so isn't it pathetic to fap to that? getting aroused by stuff that isn't real must make that person really pathetic and degrading right? I mean porn doesn't CONTAIN any of that stuff. Porn stars are fake. The difference between hentai and regular porn is that the fakeness in hentai comes from people animating it for hours, while the fakeness in real porn comes from actual people who have their lives fucked over for one reason or another. Yeah, while there might be a few porn stars who might not be like this, many were coerced into it by various circumstances or have daddy issues. Don't even get to fetishes, everyone has fetishes. Heck getting raped is a common female fetish. Every sexual preference is a fetish, it's just that the common ones are called "taste". While I personally don't agree with a person getting off with characters animated as children, but they don't represent the majority of hentai watchers, just like child porn doesn't represent all porn watchers. And YES I said child porn, which contrary to what you think exists Same with pregnant sex. ______________________________________ Interesting hypothetical conversation, but I don't think your argument is doing any justice to your stand. Getting into "fucked up fetishes" is probably the largest mistake for anyone making this argument, because once it's established that the same "fucked up fetishes" is present in real porn, it's immediately worse because a real person has to be at the receiving end of it. |
BurningSpiritAug 28, 2017 3:31 PM
If your favourite character is Tsutsukakushi Tsukiko, you are my soul mate. Been a long time since I've been here, I'll continue expressing myself freely and believe everyone should too. My MAL Interview |
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