I don't have any big complaints with the stats so far, but since im bored and all that... I think there are a few characters that don't fit their bio or in game personalities. My biggest "complaints" would be towards Perry, his wits is two popints too high. He act's and speaks like a child, sometimes he comes off as downright retarded. He's clearly social inept. Secondly he doesn't strike me as athletic individual. I think both Perry and Stan when his card comes should be max 3 in athletics. While Holly comes off as a weakling, she's not a fat slob like Stan and Perry, so neither should be more athletic than Holly in my opinion, more physical strong? Yes, but not more athletic. If theyr where to do yoga or limbo, Im sure Holly would beat both those guys.
Jeremy's stats are almost perfect, but based on his sprite and biography, the charisma skill should have been a point or two lower, split those two points to raise his athletic and lust skill and it would have been perfect.
They're both around his level when it comes to looks and social standing, and in addition they're both hopelessly in love with him at the start of the game. Ivy is obviously very different, and a lot harder to impress – but that only makes it more interesting to find a way to succeed.
I don't disagree with you, but I think it's important to clarify charisma. A persons charisma is not his/her physical looks, but the X-factor of a individual. A charismatic person is a natural leader, someone that draws your attention by their personality or physical presence alone. It will certainly enchant your charisma if you look like Marilyn Monroe or Elvis Presley (Both had mega high charisma and looks). But some of the most charismatic persons have been bland to downright ugly. Adolf Hitler if he had a card, would have had 10 in charisma, so would comedians like Dave Chapelle or Bill Burr, neither are particularly handsome. Barry White, Mick Jagger, Lenin are other examples.
Out of the current characters I think Lena should have the highest Charisma, as all the other characters seems to be driven towards her. She can befriend more or less everyone (Cherry is the exception), and all of them seems to like her and seek her out for advice and guidance. Ivy does not have these qualities.
If played like a "bitch", Lena can become even more toxic than Ivy, and she seems to get away with it as well. Her equivalent is probably Axel, as he too seems to just draw people towards him (Cherry,Lena,Cindy). He's the type of guy to just walk into a room and because of his Elvis like charisma, even the hot girl (Cindy in this case) is reduced to a flustering teen girl.