DAY 1 of becoming THE FATTEST Solo - INX Solo - ARK Survival Evolved
- Опубликовано: 25 мар 2025
- this is day 1/ ep 1 of inx solo where i tek out a starter base and get all the armor bps i need and have some crazy luck on ext
#day1 #gaming #ark #arksurvivalevolved #arksmalltribes #pvp #arksurvivalascended #inx #day2 #domation #spino #reaper #griffin #maewing #solo #duo #trio #squad Игры
Watching xavii while playing is the best thing
The monkey tame is kinda crazy ngl, u have to like cage a group of monkeys then kill all less the aplha one and feed him or smtng like that😊
W video its my first time seeing the channel and its pretty good content and I am waiting to see day 2
All videos you come out with are honestly bangers regardless of tribe size. Solo only wouldn’t be as fun because your extinction fights and raids aren’t as entertaining but they’re still fun to watch.
Solo is at least for me way more likeable. Love the slower progress
okok thanks for the input
@@Danmo-123fr plus as shown from this vid it’s good content anywsy
Honestly haven’t seen your other videos, but really enjoyed the solo farming and it was a phenomenal start
i like watching you play solo i also love how you show all the early game small farm spots
any tribe size is very enjoyable to watch
Good one
bro those monkey from lost islan are broken because when you put even a primitive helmet on them the thief can take a lot. There when you did pvp with the 3 monkeys they had a primitive helmet and you broke it with like 10 hits, I mean, imagine a weathered helmet, plus the monkeys hit hard, that's if you have poop and grenades you can throw them at the dinos with tek mounts and it disables the mount for like 1 minute, plus they run a lot and have an exaggerated stay and they jump a lot and they also climb walls, I mean that shit this op I like more than the therys and well to tame them you just have to find a herd in the redwood of lost islan and the leader of the herd comes out with a yellow aura you hit him with the netgun and kill the others and when on tuesdays you lower the life of the one with the netgun and you give him meat or kibble in the last bar of the hotbar a lot of text but oh well it helps
thanks for the explanation
@@Danmo-123 🤙🤙
@@Danmo-123 shortly
You kill the pack members except the alpha.
You get it to under %10 hp
Bola it (nets probably work too but never tried)
Feed it (carnivore)
Normally its a trash dino I think its buffed af on inx
bro waste all the luck in his life
ye the luck i had on ext was crazzzzzy
+ the ci bp was pretty nice
@@Danmo-123a sign to Go gambling
One of the only ones who kown the whip trick🎉❤
For thw monkeys you need to kill all monkeys from that pack except for one ans then just passivetame it with meat
love teh solo video fr
I have one to watch. I hope you do more videos. Thanks haha.
yo danmo love the videos bro. Quick question where did you farm the keratin on 1:50 of youre video?
On fjordur
W solo video ❤❤
Enjoyed this
Solo is fun
Danmo love the fact you post more often
Danmo this vid was lit wish it was longer ngl
Danmo my Glorious king
You can tame them on valguero and lost island but i dont know how
playing solo helps people who doenst understand english to enjoy videos anyways
kills all surrounding monkey except alpha and tame it passive with meat
alr thanks
Great video! I’m pretty new to ark pvp.
How do you do those visual settings? My game looks different, more colourful - don’t like that for pvp mainly caves.
its called a ini (thats where you changed the game files) just search up ark ase ini on youtube
Love solo
solo is more enjoyable to me personally
I need more content from you❤
W video( solo is better but dont mind in a tribe)
alr thanks for your opinion
Danmo being costant? W
we will see XD
Solo better !
with tribe is better because its not dead server after day 2
thats true
14:32 bro what spot is it where you farmed black pearls?😮
Crystal isle snow biome the big floating bubbles. Also really easy 2 tame anglers they dont even agro most of the time
Beste norske ark player
Btw er kjettl norsk og?
@@Tektransmitter nei han er nederlandsk
@ Aigth
How do you whip while in water? Ive done it on accident once but i thought it was bc of lag
You have to hold space and be on top of the water
YOU will can put your ini on your next video please ?
Do you not use reaper for drops bro
Sometimes i do, but i did not use reapers this wipe
damno might be better idk wht to tell u
colab with xav
ye go ask him if he is down then 😅
solo bro
You stole my ele vein...
Why did you not keep chaseing me?
There was another guy with a mantis that I killed, I thought the bag under the mantis was the guy's stuff and the elements were in it, I thought you didn't get anything but you got it all lol
And my maewing was dead, i had nothing to chase you
1m easy
i want your ini
solo better