Dear subscribers, Let me present you the video I've always wanted to make, as far as I can remember, as a kid. It's a dream that came true. It's my masterpiece, my Mona Lisa, my Eiffel Tower. If there was only one video to remember from Central City, it would be this one. An achievement that I'm so grateful for that there are not enough words to describe it. It took me 6 years to document all the metro systems in Europe, exploring unknown foreign lands so different from my culture but uniting us all, train enthusiasts from all around the world with our passions for metros. I would like to thank all the people I've met along this journey who helped me to make it possible, and of course, you all viewers and subscribers for being here to watch the video I produced. It would not have been possible without you. Consider this video as a gift for your support. I hope you will like it as much as I loved creating it. After the release of this piece of work, I will go a bit under the radar for a few weeks, just the time to celebrate this achievement with my family and friends during this Christmas and new year, and focus on future projects. Therefore, I warmly recommend you to watch it, comment it and, the most importantly, share it. I wish you all a Merry Christmas, happy New year, and see you soon for new adventures 👋🏻
Thessaloniki metro and Copenhagen metro are the same! They have the same look and sound. By the way, I'm happy to see Thessaloniki have after 37 years metro. Have good trips Thessaloniki!!!!👏😄
@@central-cityвам что запрещает кто-то приехать? Все проезжают, а вы не можете? Ну хорошо, на Украину можно не ехать, а то ТЦК заберёт вдруг, но в Минск можно было бы съездить, она вообще не сторона конфликта.
Incredible compilation, good work, those of us who are passionate about the subway thank you, I have seen that in Europe there are good and modern subways in almost all the big cities. Greetings from Barcelona.
You're an inspiration to me and im sure various other rail enthusiasts with the goal of filming the world's railways. Congratulations on this amazing achievement, your hard work from the beginning has paid off and thank you for being the means through which the world can appreciate the beauty of European metro systems.
fun fact: in Budapest, the M4 line is completely automatic/self-driving, so there should be gates next to the tracks, which prevents people from going too close to the edge because the subway can't react on its own and it's against the safetyrules, but no one talks about it. But it is full of scanning cameras that alert you immediately if someone crosses the security line. And the Kálvin tér and Bikás Park stations have a huge interior, which is absolutely impressive.
Fantastic compilation, was a joy to watch -although somehow missing without the Istanbul metro. Yes it's transcontinental but the bulk of it is in Europe from what I've seen.
19:10 Sofia in fact have two different metros. The Russian type metro as in Prague with contact rail and Russian trains like on the thumbnail. The one on the video is the third diameter as we call it with upper current draw and Siemens Inspiro trains. It opened in 2020, the older one opened first at 28th of January 1998.
@@DimitrisSartzetakis σε ολλα να λες ναι αγόρι μου εσύ όταν παθει κανένα άτομο που αγαπάς τίποτα με τους άχρηστους που μπλέξαμε να δούμε σε ποιον θα τσούζει μετά
@@michael_1977 Οι άχρηστοι που μπλέξαμε (εννοείς την "Ελληνικό Μετρό" προφανώς) έχει κατασκευάσει και τα δύο συστήματα μετρό της Ελλάδας. Δυστυχήματα δεν θυμάμαι να έχουν καταγραφεί σε κάποιο από αυτά.
Judging by the video footage, the German metros, Barcelona, Lisbon and Stockholm look the most interesting. Special mention to Brussels and Paris, both of which have some pleasing architecture, colour schemes and in the case of the former, design autonomy. Nice vid.
The Oporto Metro is a tram but with its own bridges and tunnels (kind of like the Charleroi system) founded in 2002, spanning from bottom to top of the city of Oporto.
@@javierpastor3902 not the same, Valencia metro is a complete metro system , the closer example would be Seville metro with tram trains altought having meto infraestructure in all its network (1 single line 21 stations 18 of them undergournd) which Porto metro does not entirely.
Great video bro! Thessaloniki metro is awesome! 🤩 Next year Thessaloniki metro goes to kalamaria with 6 new stations.🚏 Consider making a new video when ther are ready! 🎉Keep up the good work! 🙏❤
That's quite a compilation, well done! Also good job on picking some of the best looking stations for each respective networks (Helsinki, Hamburg, Paris, Stockholm and Rennes are all stunning ❤).
This is a fantastic compilation, where you managed to capture the beauty of something that many people consider dull or boring. Excellent choice of stations and trains. However, it's not _all_ the metros. Many medium and small size networks are missing (in Spain alone you are missing Valencia, Sevilla, Palma and Málaga). I know it's been a tremendous work to get all this and I don't mean to discredit you, so perhaps you could change the title to "Largest Metros of Europe" or something on the line
According to Wikipedia page "List of metro system" Valencia, Sevilla, Palma and Málaga aren't considered metro system. It's not my definition, if you wish to get more information, I encourage you to check the source in the description 😉 Anyway thank you very much for your comment, it's much appreciated 🙏🏻
@@central-city I read the article and I must say I don't agree with the definitions they are using, for example Málaga has 20 stations of which 15 are in underground metro sections (including all the station in Line 2) and only 5 stations in Line 1 are overground light-rail sections, and this invalidates everything else? Sorry I can't agree with that. Anyway, I respect your decision to stick to a source.
@@osasunaitor it is a metro system, Valencia is a major one and bigger than most showcased in the video, it has 161.7 km (29.8 are entirely underground) and 147 stations with 39 of them underground. While Seville is a small network it still is x2 the size of a lot included in the video, 18km 21 stations (18 of them underground),
If you live in Belgium, you'll notice that these are the latest metros (M7 models) to go into service (in 2021). I suggest you take a look at the older M1 and M6 “Boa” trains, all of which are still in service!
The two Helsinki metro stations in this video - the Soukka and Matinkylä metro stations situated in Espoo which is the neighbour city of Helsinki and that city got its first metro stations in 2017 and then in 2021. Greetings from Finland! Terveisiä Suomesta!
True, I wondered for a long time if it made sense to include Istanbul as half of the metro is in Asia... I came with the conclusion that I will not include it here and instead make a video about "All the Metros in Turkiye" once I visit
Wow!!! very nice compilation of metro systems. I would love to see a compilation of different lines. I know that would be crazy work to do, but the video pretty much shows the nicest parts of the systems for the most part. A lot of the system have really run down lines and stations. Smaller cities with one or two lines for the most part are an accurate depiction. But the bigger older systems are difficult to portray in a 20 second clip. Madrid, Paris, London, Rome, Brussels and a long etc... Have really modern stations mixed with really run down, scary looking stations. Train sets too, Some of them brand new futuristic looking, some other ones very old and dingy covered with graffiti.
This has been said lots of times in the comments already: those do not meet the technical specifications of a metro system. Only Seville could maybe qualify, and even that's debatable too. It's usually considered just light metro.
A common way to distinguish metro from light rail is by their separation from other traffic. While light rail systems may share roads with car traffic or use sections of track with level crossings across roads, metro systems tend to run on a grade-separated exclusive right-of-way with no access for other traffic. In contrast to commuter rail or light rail, metro systems are primarily used for transport within a city, and have higher service frequencies and substantially higher passenger volume capacities. Most metro systems do not share tracks with freight trains or inter-city rail services. It is not relevant whether the system runs on steel wheels or rubber tyres, or if the power supply is from a third rail or overhead line. The name of the system is not a criterion for inclusion or exclusion. *Some cities use "metro" as a brand name* for a transit line with no component of rapid transit whatsoever. Similarly, there are systems branded "light rail" that meet every criterion for being a rapid transit system. Some systems also incorporate light metro or light rail lines as part of the larger system under a common name. These are listed, but the light rail lines are not counted in the provided network data. Source: wikipedia
@@FERDI-f6n no, Spain has the densest High Speed Rail network, and the 2nd largest in the world, but that's only on HSR, not counting usual/normal speed rail.
MetroValencia is a bit confusing, as it combines under one brand metro, suburban rail and tramway. Lines 1, 2, 5 and 9 are suburban rail. Lines 3 and 7 is metro. Line 4, 6, 8 and 10 is tramway. The source in Wikipedia is sadly misguided as there are some contributors there that are obsessed on not qualifying Valencia's system as metro because not all of it is a Metro. The thing is Metrovalencia is a one of a kind hybrid system, but it does include full metro service in Lines 3 and 7. If the system were only these two lines it would be on the list no problem, so it makes no sense to qualify one line systems as metro but not Valencia's system as such IMHO.
@@central-city In that source it only shows Madrid, Barcelona and Bilbao but that's incorrect. If you go to 'List of metro systems in Europe' in Wikipedia it shows also Valencia metro, Palma metro, Seville and Málaga light metro and San Sebastián also is missing. I know it's not easy to go to every european city with metro system, but when i saw the video i was expecting Valencia and Palma metro 😔 I wish you can go to some day to check these systems!
It’s Not an real Metro Real u Bahn in Germany are only in Hamburg Nuremberg Berlin and Munich. The rest are all Trams. Metro trains only run Underground
Here are all the lines I have ridden: London (2016): Circle, Hammersmith & City, Central, Northern, Bakerloo, District, Victoria, Piccadilly, Jubilee Munich (2019): U2, U3 Milan (2019): M3 Rome (2019): MA, MB Berlin (2024): U1, U2, U5 Hamburg (2024): U2, U3, U4 Frankfurt (2024): U4, U5
I said half the network are trams because 4 out of 10 lines are trams, in addition to all planned extensions of the network. It is not grade separated because it has level crossings. Yes, as far as I know line 5 does meet the technical requirements for being considered a metro line, and yes, being part of a greater system usually would still disqualify it, the same way L8 of the FGC network is usually not considered a metro line despite meeting the requirements. I myself have held the position of defending these kind of lines being metro in the past, but now I think it is more important to look at the whole picture, the entire network. And not every city needs a metro and not every city needs a suburban rail system. Valencia not having a metro is not bad, it is actually an incredible case of study on how to interconnect older suburban lines and make them better with crosscity tunnels, many cities should take note on that. But in Spain it seems that if your city doesn't have a metro it is a second class city, so everyone takes their trams (for example Málaga and Granada, or even Madrid with the "metro ligero") and names them metro, and that mindset can end up being very harmful.
Unlike other metro systems in this video, in the case of Madrid you haven't chosen the most spectacular or the most beautiful station, but one of its 302 stations at random.
For those asking why metro systems as Valencia, Málaga or Palma aren't included in the video, those systems aren't in the source checked. Neverthess, it can be stated that they are metro systems. For example, Metrovalencia was built over the rails of an old suburban rail network, but the most used part of the whole system is the one that is underground and runs across the city and the near towns, so it has always been considered a metro system. Please, don't be fooled by line 10, as it is a tram line, not a metro line. We also have a suburban rail system: Rodalies
@@jordilo4717 metro valencia no va en grados segregados y se cruza con las calles en muchas ocasiones. No sé si esto lo descalifica, pero creo que deberia
@@pieterwatson611 Yes it does. Completely separte netwrok from national railway tracks, 160km total network lenght (30km of it underground)147 stations (39 of them underground). It is a metro system and MUCH bigger than most featured in the video.
Is it just me or all of the metros in Europe and other countries/continents just look and are SO MUCH BETTER than every single Metro in America put together?
How did you manage to have footage of almost empty stations? Did you record it very early in the morning or in very dull and unused stations? I've never seen London, Rome or Milan metro so empty in all my life
At first I thought that you didn’t include Cologne, Düsseldorf and Frankfurt cause I know that even though they have much of their track underground, its railway is not a metro per se (it’s light rail), but then I saw you included Catania and Copenhagen so I don’t understand 😅. Great video tho
We hope for peace throughout the world, because the metro in Kyiv, Minsk, Moscow, St. Petersburg, Nizhny Novgorod, Kharkov, Novosibirsk, Kazan, Samara and Dnepr is very beautiful@@central-city
Valencia is not a light metro and has a 161.7 km (29.8 underground) 147 stations (39 underground) making it bigger than most showcased in the video, Copenaghen, Glasgow, Lyon, Lille, Toulouse, Rennes, Catania, Genoa, Brescia, Naples and Lausanne are considered to be a light metro system for instance and all of them are included in the video. Seville has 18 underground stations of a total 21, Palma (11 underground stations of 16), Málaga is the only one using light rail trains but still has 15 underground stations of a total 19), all of them missing..
«List of all the metros in Europe (not including Belarus, Russia and Ukraine due impossibility to go there due to the ongoing conflict)» Was it difficult to get it from the Internet? And ALL the metro stations in Europe were written in the name, and to find out about the disadvantages, you need to look at the description, Russia
5:45 actuwlly no hate but theres prettier stations im budapest, M2 is the most soviet one, mext tim try M4 metro and the beautiful station is called Szent Gellért Tér
and where is Minsk? Judging by your description, you believe that Belarus cannot be visited because of the war, but this is far from true, because there are no military actions on the territory of Belarus. Belarus can also be visited visa-free from all European countries. Minsk metro is full of both Soviet atmosphere and modern style. Many people consider Belarus "remnants of the Soviets in Europe", but they have not seen modern Belarus, which will destroy all stereotypes of Europeans. In a few days 3 new stations will be opened in Minsk Metro (Aeradromnaja, Niemaršanski Sad, Slucki Hasciniec - 3rd line) Запрашаем вас у Беларусь у 2025 годзе😊
It's not that westerners cannot technically visit Belarus. I could, but I have a good reason to believe that I would unfortunately end up in jail. But I promise I will go as soon as the current regime is over 😉
@@central-cityIf you're afraid of going to a Belarusian jail, you've definitely read a lot of propaganda. In fact, Minsk is the same city as other Slavic ex-Soviet cities. but there are no gay pride parades there yet, is that a minus?
where are all 7 Russian subways? If you didn't know, Russia is both Europe and Asia! But all its Subways are in the European part! (In the Asian part of Russia, only Novosibirsk). here they are: Moscow, St. Petersburg, Nizhny Novgorod, Kazan, Samara, Yekaterinburg - feasibility studies of all European cities in Russia and they all exist!!!
true, while it's a mostly overground network still has 11 underground stations, . He missed Valencia with 161.7 km (29.8 underground) and 147 stations (39 of them underground).. and Seville (18 underground stations), Málaga (15 underground stations) and Palma (11 underground stations), so no wonder..
@@pieterwatson611 Yes it does. Completely separte netwrok from national railway tracks, 160km total network lenght (30km of it underground)147 stations (39 of them underground). It is a metro system and MUCH bigger than most featured in the video.
Embarassing how Belgrade doesn’t have it and there’s not going to be Metro in a while even though it’s much needed since the population keeps growing. Maybe in 80 years there will be a first line???
@@central-city For consistency the title of this video should be "All the metros in Europe that I've recently visited" or "All metros in Europe, except Eastern". Otherwise it sounds like you're just ignoring another half of continent with 12 more metro systems (breaking news: nobody reads clarifications in the descriptions 🤷🏼)
I understand that you did not filmed Russian metros due to obviously ongoing conflict in Ukraine, but, as an Istanbulite, it is baffling you didn't filmed our metro system. It is expanding fast and even thought Istanbul is a transcontinental city, the European side of the metro system itself is still huge. Great compilation but I'm still extremely disappointed that Istanbul's metro isn't included, at least the European side. 😕
dude, I understand why there is no Belarus and Russia, but there is no war there, like in Ukraine. There is no war in Belarus at all. Therefore, we are waiting for Russia and Belarus (has issued a visa & welcome😊).
They are supposed to be European meters and I have already seen some meters that are not from Europe, for example Mexico... it has nothing to do with it.
Dear subscribers,
Let me present you the video I've always wanted to make, as far as I can remember, as a kid. It's a dream that came true. It's my masterpiece, my Mona Lisa, my Eiffel Tower. If there was only one video to remember from Central City, it would be this one. An achievement that I'm so grateful for that there are not enough words to describe it.
It took me 6 years to document all the metro systems in Europe, exploring unknown foreign lands so different from my culture but uniting us all, train enthusiasts from all around the world with our passions for metros.
I would like to thank all the people I've met along this journey who helped me to make it possible, and of course, you all viewers and subscribers for being here to watch the video I produced. It would not have been possible without you. Consider this video as a gift for your support.
I hope you will like it as much as I loved creating it. After the release of this piece of work, I will go a bit under the radar for a few weeks, just the time to celebrate this achievement with my family and friends during this Christmas and new year, and focus on future projects.
Therefore, I warmly recommend you to watch it, comment it and, the most importantly, share it.
I wish you all a Merry Christmas, happy New year, and see you soon for new adventures 👋🏻
In many videos you see people with masks, I think the videos are old, from the time of the pandemic.
You missed out the Newcastle Metro, in northern England.
There are some left..
Why so many left in Spain? For instance Valencia (138 km), Seville, Palma and Málaga.
Check all the existing metro systems before making a worng claim in the title.. there are serveral left..
"I really should get some sleep"
"RUclips: 🇪🇺 All the Metros in Europe (2025) [4K]"
"well well well then lets find out"
Thessaloniki metro and Copenhagen metro are the same! They have the same look and sound. By the way, I'm happy to see Thessaloniki have after 37 years metro. Have good trips Thessaloniki!!!!👏😄
@@GodOfWarEditsKratos milan metro and genoa too
also Brescia
List of driverless metros built by Hitachi Rail Italy:
The list is incomplet: Istanbul, Kiev, Malaga, Moskow, Minsk, Palma, Saint Petersbourg, Seville or Valencia as I remember.
Check description
@@central-cityвам что запрещает кто-то приехать? Все проезжают, а вы не можете? Ну хорошо, на Украину можно не ехать, а то ТЦК заберёт вдруг, но в Минск можно было бы съездить, она вообще не сторона конфликта.
+Kazan, Nizhny Novgorod, samara. so that no one sees the Moscow metro
@@alexvit8948им забила мозги пропаганда. Пусть сидят и трясутся. И да, даже у себя забыли про метро Ньюкасла, хотя это совсем рядом с Глазго
@@semaforfilm1520 Его могли не включить поэтому что многие классифицируют его как узкоколейную жд
Greetings from London! Impressive video, can’t imagine having to travel through the entirety of Europe and compile and the footage.
Thank you for your comment! I have to admit it was very enjoyable though 😂
Incredible compilation, good work, those of us who are passionate about the subway thank you, I have seen that in Europe there are good and modern subways in almost all the big cities.
Greetings from Barcelona.
Bye from Napoli
You're an inspiration to me and im sure various other rail enthusiasts with the goal of filming the world's railways. Congratulations on this amazing achievement, your hard work from the beginning has paid off and thank you for being the means through which the world can appreciate the beauty of European metro systems.
Thank you very much ! I wish you good luck, we can race to see who's gonna be the first one to visit all the metros 😉
fun fact: in Budapest, the M4 line is completely automatic/self-driving, so there should be gates next to the tracks, which prevents people from going too close to the edge because the subway can't react on its own and it's against the safetyrules, but no one talks about it. But it is full of scanning cameras that alert you immediately if someone crosses the security line. And the Kálvin tér and Bikás Park stations have a huge interior, which is absolutely impressive.
Nice video, Lille has changed its autopilot on line 1 and now the trains open onto the new landing doors to allow the future trains to arrive in 2026.
And they are getting stuck everyday lmao
It's new after that, but there are also a lot of rolling stock breakdowns...
Fantastic compilation, was a joy to watch -although somehow missing without the Istanbul metro. Yes it's transcontinental but the bulk of it is in Europe from what I've seen.
Budapesti metró ❤🇭🇺 Thanks a lot to share them 😊 it was good to see
19:10 Sofia in fact have two different metros. The Russian type metro as in Prague with contact rail and Russian trains like on the thumbnail. The one on the video is the third diameter as we call it with upper current draw and Siemens Inspiro trains. It opened in 2020, the older one opened first at 28th of January 1998.
Thessaloniki 👍👍👍
Άσε με την νεκροφόρα 😂
@@michael_1977τσούζει ακόμα βλέπω
@@DimitrisSartzetakis σε ολλα να λες ναι αγόρι μου εσύ όταν παθει κανένα άτομο που αγαπάς τίποτα με τους άχρηστους που μπλέξαμε να δούμε σε ποιον θα τσούζει μετά
@@michael_1977 Οι άχρηστοι που μπλέξαμε (εννοείς την "Ελληνικό Μετρό" προφανώς) έχει κατασκευάσει και τα δύο συστήματα μετρό της Ελλάδας. Δυστυχήματα δεν θυμάμαι να έχουν καταγραφεί σε κάποιο από αυτά.
🥴 hülye görögök😂
Impressive compilation!! Greetings from Turin
Lille metro is the first fully automated metro in the world
Judging by the video footage, the German metros, Barcelona, Lisbon and Stockholm look the most interesting. Special mention to Brussels and Paris, both of which have some pleasing architecture, colour schemes and in the case of the former, design autonomy. Nice vid.
you only see one particular station of one line, that doesn't give you a clear picture of the network..
The Oporto Metro is a tram but with its own bridges and tunnels (kind of like the Charleroi system) founded in 2002, spanning from bottom to top of the city of Oporto.
same as València Metro
No. System NOT meet requires for being metro. "Metro" is only wrong name, technically this is suburban rail.
@@javierpastor3902 not the same, Valencia metro is a complete metro system , the closer example would be Seville metro with tram trains altought having meto infraestructure in all its network (1 single line 21 stations 18 of them undergournd) which Porto metro does not entirely.
It is a tram/light rail type of system.
You should understand now.
Great video bro! Thessaloniki metro is awesome! 🤩 Next year Thessaloniki metro goes to kalamaria with 6 new stations.🚏 Consider making a new video when ther are ready! 🎉Keep up the good work! 🙏❤
Surely I will visit again, Greeks were very welcoming both times I went and it makes me want to come again 😉
You have confused "year" with "decade".
@@fa18superhornet nahhh you have confused! Next year means next year! See you next year then! 😉🤙
@dukefleed8489 Well hopefully we get it next year, but the metro construction is not known for its punctuality.
Congratulations to Thessaloniki for joining the family of European cities with this great means of transportation. Greetings from Barcelona
That's quite a compilation, well done! Also good job on picking some of the best looking stations for each respective networks (Helsinki, Hamburg, Paris, Stockholm and Rennes are all stunning ❤).
That fact that there is gonna be more stunning metros out here is quite impressive.
Thank you very much, thank you for noticing 😉
Great video ! Congratulations form Switzerland
4:55 can't believe that the metro is empty, every day for me is always full
This is a fantastic compilation, where you managed to capture the beauty of something that many people consider dull or boring. Excellent choice of stations and trains.
However, it's not _all_ the metros. Many medium and small size networks are missing (in Spain alone you are missing Valencia, Sevilla, Palma and Málaga). I know it's been a tremendous work to get all this and I don't mean to discredit you, so perhaps you could change the title to "Largest Metros of Europe" or something on the line
According to Wikipedia page "List of metro system" Valencia, Sevilla, Palma and Málaga aren't considered metro system. It's not my definition, if you wish to get more information, I encourage you to check the source in the description 😉 Anyway thank you very much for your comment, it's much appreciated 🙏🏻
@@central-city I read the article and I must say I don't agree with the definitions they are using, for example Málaga has 20 stations of which 15 are in underground metro sections (including all the station in Line 2) and only 5 stations in Line 1 are overground light-rail sections, and this invalidates everything else? Sorry I can't agree with that.
Anyway, I respect your decision to stick to a source.
@@osasunaitor it is a metro system, Valencia is a major one and bigger than most showcased in the video, it has 161.7 km (29.8 are entirely underground) and 147 stations with 39 of them underground. While Seville is a small network it still is x2 the size of a lot included in the video, 18km 21 stations (18 of them underground),
Video thank you from korea 🇰🇷 happy new year
4:09 Omg the Brussels metro is so good and modern
If you live in Belgium, you'll notice that these are the latest metros (M7 models) to go into service (in 2021). I suggest you take a look at the older M1 and M6 “Boa” trains, all of which are still in service!
Thank you very much for the tip! I'm going to visit Brussels soon
Brussel in Belgë. 🇧🇪 4:09 ik woon in België
The two Helsinki metro stations in this video - the Soukka and Matinkylä metro stations situated in Espoo which is the neighbour city of Helsinki and that city got its first metro stations in 2017 and then in 2021. Greetings from Finland! Terveisiä Suomesta!
Would you do another one featuring all the stadtbahns, premetros and other non-metro local rail networks with underground stations?
What about the Tyne and Wear Metro in Newcastle? Definitely a metro as opposed to a tram, it's fully grade-separated
It's not fully grade separated. Both lines have level crossings.
Well done!
17:27 Rennes has a first line with VAL208, here's just the second line of the metro of Rennes with CityVAL but the youngest
I know Istanbul isn’t fully European but it’d be nice if it was included…at least the European side 😊
True, I wondered for a long time if it made sense to include Istanbul as half of the metro is in Asia... I came with the conclusion that I will not include it here and instead make a video about "All the Metros in Turkiye" once I visit
Wow!!! very nice compilation of metro systems. I would love to see a compilation of different lines. I know that would be crazy work to do, but the video pretty much shows the nicest parts of the systems for the most part. A lot of the system have really run down lines and stations. Smaller cities with one or two lines for the most part are an accurate depiction. But the bigger older systems are difficult to portray in a 20 second clip. Madrid, Paris, London, Rome, Brussels and a long etc... Have really modern stations mixed with really run down, scary looking stations. Train sets too, Some of them brand new futuristic looking, some other ones very old and dingy covered with graffiti.
Well actually, I'm working on it. Stay tuned 😉
@central-city awesome 👌
Ωραίο βίντεο συγχαρητήρια ❤❤❤
Fan fact: Thessaloniki Greece metro station is the newest most modern metro station of Europe 20:25
amazing thank you
Thank you too!
Great video 😊 what was your favorite while making the video?
The Tyne and Wear Metro is missing for one and so many others I could think of ?
i dont wanna be that guy but spain is always overlooked: sevilla, malaga and valencia are the only ones left out besides of course russia and ukraine
This has been said lots of times in the comments already: those do not meet the technical specifications of a metro system.
Only Seville could maybe qualify, and even that's debatable too. It's usually considered just light metro.
A common way to distinguish metro from light rail is by their separation from other traffic. While light rail systems may share roads with car traffic or use sections of track with level crossings across roads, metro systems tend to run on a grade-separated exclusive right-of-way with no access for other traffic.
In contrast to commuter rail or light rail, metro systems are primarily used for transport within a city, and have higher service frequencies and substantially higher passenger volume capacities. Most metro systems do not share tracks with freight trains or inter-city rail services. It is not relevant whether the system runs on steel wheels or rubber tyres, or if the power supply is from a third rail or overhead line.
The name of the system is not a criterion for inclusion or exclusion. *Some cities use "metro" as a brand name* for a transit line with no component of rapid transit whatsoever. Similarly, there are systems branded "light rail" that meet every criterion for being a rapid transit system. Some systems also incorporate light metro or light rail lines as part of the larger system under a common name. These are listed, but the light rail lines are not counted in the provided network data.
Source: wikipedia
And Spain has the most dense train network in Europe, second in the entire world.
Plus Frankfurt in Germany and several others missing, so not only Spain!
@@FERDI-f6n no, Spain has the densest High Speed Rail network, and the 2nd largest in the world, but that's only on HSR, not counting usual/normal speed rail.
Love this! ❤
MetroValencia is a bit confusing, as it combines under one brand metro, suburban rail and tramway.
Lines 1, 2, 5 and 9 are suburban rail.
Lines 3 and 7 is metro.
Line 4, 6, 8 and 10 is tramway.
The source in Wikipedia is sadly misguided as there are some contributors there that are obsessed on not qualifying Valencia's system as metro because not all of it is a Metro.
The thing is Metrovalencia is a one of a kind hybrid system, but it does include full metro service in Lines 3 and 7. If the system were only these two lines it would be on the list no problem, so it makes no sense to qualify one line systems as metro but not Valencia's system as such IMHO.
And where is valencia metro
And Sevilla, Palma de Mallorca, Málaga
Check source in description 😉
There is only source of Belarús ukraine and russia
Check better 😉
@@central-city In that source it only shows Madrid, Barcelona and Bilbao but that's incorrect. If you go to 'List of metro systems in Europe' in Wikipedia it shows also Valencia metro, Palma metro, Seville and Málaga light metro and San Sebastián also is missing. I know it's not easy to go to every european city with metro system, but when i saw the video i was expecting Valencia and Palma metro 😔 I wish you can go to some day to check these systems!
In Italy 7 metros 💪💪💪💪
Great video🤗🤗🤗🤗
Nice one bro
Don't forget the U-Bahn ( Metro) in Frankfurt
It’s Not an real Metro Real u Bahn in Germany are only in Hamburg Nuremberg Berlin and Munich. The rest are all Trams. Metro trains only run Underground
Best continent. I hope we leave the narrow-minded way of thinking and enjoy it
Here are all the lines I have ridden:
London (2016): Circle, Hammersmith & City, Central, Northern, Bakerloo, District, Victoria, Piccadilly, Jubilee
Munich (2019): U2, U3
Milan (2019): M3
Rome (2019): MA, MB
Berlin (2024): U1, U2, U5
Hamburg (2024): U2, U3, U4
Frankfurt (2024): U4, U5
I said half the network are trams because 4 out of 10 lines are trams, in addition to all planned extensions of the network.
It is not grade separated because it has level crossings.
Yes, as far as I know line 5 does meet the technical requirements for being considered a metro line, and yes, being part of a greater system usually would still disqualify it, the same way L8 of the FGC network is usually not considered a metro line despite meeting the requirements.
I myself have held the position of defending these kind of lines being metro in the past, but now I think it is more important to look at the whole picture, the entire network.
And not every city needs a metro and not every city needs a suburban rail system. Valencia not having a metro is not bad, it is actually an incredible case of study on how to interconnect older suburban lines and make them better with crosscity tunnels, many cities should take note on that.
But in Spain it seems that if your city doesn't have a metro it is a second class city, so everyone takes their trams (for example Málaga and Granada, or even Madrid with the "metro ligero") and names them metro, and that mindset can end up being very harmful.
Well said 👏🏻
I find it insane how the London Underground looks so outdated compared to the other metros in Europe
It’s older than the other metros.
@@nelsonricardo3729 I understand that, except for the Elizabeth Line
I'm missing the Bielefeld Métro, short but really nice 👍
Was ist Bielefeld
Quien viene por Metro Valencia?
Anyone else notice that the Genoa and Copenhagen metros sound identical, even through they are 2 very different trainsets?
If I'm not mistaken, both trainsets are manufactured by Hitachi, so they probably use similar engines
@@central-city That's pretty interesting! Thanks!
Therefore they also sound identical to the Thessaloniki Metro
And Brescia metro
That's the nerdiest thing I ever read and I love it.
In a few years there will also be a metro from Cluj-Napoca.
in 50 years perhaps 😅😅
@erichreinholtz no, 6 years.
@@ancabrudii8173 6 Ardeal years, which in regular years is about 60 😋
Unlike other metro systems in this video, in the case of Madrid you haven't chosen the most spectacular or the most beautiful station, but one of its 302 stations at random.
What are the best stations in Madrid?
@@central-city Principe Pío, Paco de Lucía, Arganzuela-Planetario, Gran Vía...etc..
For those asking why metro systems as Valencia, Málaga or Palma aren't included in the video, those systems aren't in the source checked.
Neverthess, it can be stated that they are metro systems. For example, Metrovalencia was built over the rails of an old suburban rail network, but the most used part of the whole system is the one that is underground and runs across the city and the near towns, so it has always been considered a metro system. Please, don't be fooled by line 10, as it is a tram line, not a metro line. We also have a suburban rail system: Rodalies
@@jordilo4717 metro valencia no va en grados segregados y se cruza con las calles en muchas ocasiones. No sé si esto lo descalifica, pero creo que deberia
No. Valencias system NOT meet requires for being metro. "Metro" is only wrong name, technically this is suburban rail.
@@pieterwatson611 Yes it does. Completely separte netwrok from national railway tracks, 160km total network lenght (30km of it underground)147 stations (39 of them underground). It is a metro system and MUCH bigger than most featured in the video.
My mom and I will ride the London Underground in London, England next month.
Very fantastique.
Im from munich. The clip is from the station Westfriedhof
Is it just me or all of the metros in Europe and other countries/continents just look and are SO MUCH BETTER than every single Metro in America put together?
Well american trains are almost all just plain steel boxes.
Love the Amsterdam one, so modern
19:54 Stockholm, Sweden 🇸🇪. That’s where I’m born
How did you manage to have footage of almost empty stations?
Did you record it very early in the morning or in very dull and unused stations?
I've never seen London, Rome or Milan metro so empty in all my life
You are correct 😉
O boy great nice ❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤
Here's a good one: Every London Underground Station in alphabetical order - RUclips - Montana Fox (December 2023)
At first I thought that you didn’t include Cologne, Düsseldorf and Frankfurt cause I know that even though they have much of their track underground, its railway is not a metro per se (it’s light rail), but then I saw you included Catania and Copenhagen so I don’t understand 😅. Great video tho
Check the link in the description, you'll get your answer there 😉
We hope that you will film the metro of Russia, Ukraine and Belarus
I really hope that it will become possible soon 🙏🏻
We hope for peace throughout the world, because the metro in Kyiv, Minsk, Moscow, St. Petersburg, Nizhny Novgorod, Kharkov, Novosibirsk, Kazan, Samara and Dnepr is very beautiful@@central-city
Valencia, Seville and Málaga metros are "light metros", more like an undergorund tram. It's normal not to include them.
Valencia is not a light metro and has a 161.7 km (29.8 underground) 147 stations (39 underground) making it bigger than most showcased in the video, Copenaghen, Glasgow, Lyon, Lille, Toulouse, Rennes, Catania, Genoa, Brescia, Naples and Lausanne are considered to be a light metro system for instance and all of them are included in the video. Seville has 18 underground stations of a total 21, Palma (11 underground stations of 16), Málaga is the only one using light rail trains but still has 15 underground stations of a total 19), all of them missing..
«List of all the metros in Europe (not including Belarus, Russia and Ukraine due impossibility to go there due to the ongoing conflict)» Was it difficult to get it from the Internet? And ALL the metro stations in Europe were written in the name, and to find out about the disadvantages, you need to look at the description, Russia
As a policy, I NEVER use other people's footage.
I appreciate the effort, but just don't say ALL the metros. At least from Spain, you missed both Valencia and Sevilla metros.
Please read source in description. Those are not metros regardless of their name
@@central-city oh, well that's a missleading name, the missing metros I mean
Sorry for not including trams
Want to see Kyiv in this list soon.❤
As soon as the war ends and it's safe to visit i'll go 😁
I was not expecting the metro in Sofia to be so beautiful.
Milan metro is the best
5:45 actuwlly no hate but theres prettier stations im budapest, M2 is the most soviet one, mext tim try M4 metro and the beautiful station is called Szent Gellért Tér
ta pris la meilleur station avec le meilleur metro pour paris !!!!❤♥♥
Merry Christmas
Same to you! merry Christmas 🎅🏻
Nice video, bit you forgot Stuttgart
Cool video :) It must have been hard to visit them all
Surely took a long time ;)
Just came to my attention that only London Underground has single doors at the front and back.
and where is Minsk? Judging by your description, you believe that Belarus cannot be visited because of the war, but this is far from true, because there are no military actions on the territory of Belarus. Belarus can also be visited visa-free from all European countries.
Minsk metro is full of both Soviet atmosphere and modern style. Many people consider Belarus "remnants of the Soviets in Europe", but they have not seen modern Belarus, which will destroy all stereotypes of Europeans.
In a few days 3 new stations will be opened in Minsk Metro (Aeradromnaja, Niemaršanski Sad, Slucki Hasciniec - 3rd line)
Запрашаем вас у Беларусь у 2025 годзе😊
It's not that westerners cannot technically visit Belarus. I could, but I have a good reason to believe that I would unfortunately end up in jail. But I promise I will go as soon as the current regime is over 😉
@@central-city you most probably dead time before than thats already happen
@@central-cityIf you're afraid of going to a Belarusian jail, you've definitely read a lot of propaganda. In fact, Minsk is the same city as other Slavic ex-Soviet cities. but there are no gay pride parades there yet, is that a minus?
where are all 7 Russian subways? If you didn't know, Russia is both Europe and Asia! But all its Subways are in the European part! (In the Asian part of Russia, only Novosibirsk).
here they are: Moscow, St. Petersburg, Nizhny Novgorod, Kazan, Samara, Yekaterinburg - feasibility studies of all European cities in Russia and they all exist!!!
Check the description mate.
Italy has 7 subways just like Russia that is 56 times bigger.
you also missed the Tyne and Wear metro in the UK
true, while it's a mostly overground network still has 11 underground stations, . He missed Valencia with 161.7 km (29.8 underground) and 147 stations (39 of them underground).. and Seville (18 underground stations), Málaga (15 underground stations) and Palma (11 underground stations), so no wonder..
No. System NOT meet requires for being metro. "Metro" is only wrong name, technically this is suburban rail.
@@pieterwatson611 Yes it does. Completely separte netwrok from national railway tracks, 160km total network lenght (30km of it underground)147 stations (39 of them underground). It is a metro system and MUCH bigger than most featured in the video.
You forgot Frankfurt Am Main, which has both a U Bahn and an S Bahn.
It's a stadbahn
@@central-city it's called U-Bahn
@ I can call my car an u-bahn too
@@central-city But is an Underground (stand alone) system. Is not part of the Tram system.
@@central-city if you go to the city you can see that the underground network is called U-Bahn officially
Embarassing how Belgrade doesn’t have it and there’s not going to be Metro in a while even though it’s much needed since the population keeps growing. Maybe in 80 years there will be a first line???
Stuttgartu, Frankfurt... are missing.
And where is Emden Metro ?😅
Where is the İstanbul???
Turkish are not Europeans
@ Istanbul, Edirne these are in Europe
This is only EU metro systems, not metro systems from all Europe.
Didn’t knew that Switzerland is in eu
@@TheWillystyla Well, then these are just authors favourite metro systems
As I said i can't go to Ukraine, Russia and Belarus for now. I was not going to wait to release the video.
@@TheWillystylaUK isn’t in EU either.
@@central-city Why can't you go to Belarus?
Frankfurt is missing
I was in Barcelona, nice metro and I live in the Netherlands 😂❤
15:43 Oslo Norway 🇳🇴 so small
But you've filmed the metro of my city (Kyiv), why you didn't put your old video in this ongoing video?
For consistency. If I were to include Kyiv, people would ask why there is not Dnipro or Minsk.
@@central-city For consistency the title of this video should be "All the metros in Europe that I've recently visited" or "All metros in Europe, except Eastern". Otherwise it sounds like you're just ignoring another half of continent with 12 more metro systems (breaking news: nobody reads clarifications in the descriptions 🤷🏼)
I invite you to go to Ukraine to bring me footage then 😉
@@central-cityand Moscow 😅
"All the metros in Europe" ... and where are Minsk, Kiev, St. Petersburg and Moscow?
There is already Kiev on the channel. But there is no Russia and Minsk.
ruzzia not Europe.
and in Ukraine now you can't film
@@ukrainietis57 Russia is not in Europe??? Who taught you geography?😉
I understand that you did not filmed Russian metros due to obviously ongoing conflict in Ukraine, but, as an Istanbulite, it is baffling you didn't filmed our metro system. It is expanding fast and even thought Istanbul is a transcontinental city, the European side of the metro system itself is still huge. Great compilation but I'm still extremely disappointed that Istanbul's metro isn't included, at least the European side. 😕
Turkey is not culturally part of Europe
...это отдаёт(попахивает) нацизмом:"...культурная часть Европы" ....
Thank you of turin♥️
dude, I understand why there is no Belarus and Russia, but there is no war there, like in Ukraine. There is no war in Belarus at all. Therefore, we are waiting for Russia and Belarus (has issued a visa & welcome😊).
7:45 UK 🇬🇧 worst one so far
Istanbul Metro Is also in europa
Took 15 of them, and missed quite a few more while being in those cities 😅
They are supposed to be European meters and I have already seen some meters that are not from Europe, for example Mexico... it has nothing to do with it.
Copenhagen metro is almost the same as Thessaloniki with the same specifications and trains
Lille Mentionned !