My Last Antique Booth Visit of the Year | Vlogmas Day 25

  • Опубликовано: 25 мар 2025
  • Thank you for watching Vlogmas 2023! Mike and I spend the Saturday together and, of course, we had to stop by the antique booth at the Factory Antique Mall to make sure it was okay because I won't be in the antique mall again until after the New Year! Mike' found some cool golf stuff too. Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!
    My Booth Location | The Factory Antique Mall | Verona, VA
    📷 Insta @amandasmercantile | / amandasmercantile
    🌈 Website | Under Construction
    ⏰ TikTok | @amandasmercantile
    MY Amazon AFFILIATE Link Store (Tags, project supplies & More)
    Business Inquires ONLY |
    #adayinmylifevideo #antiquebooth #vlogmas2023
    DISCLAIMER: Links included in this description might be affiliate links. If you purchase a product or service with the links that I provide I may receive a small commission. There is no additional charge to you! Thank you for supporting my channel!
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Комментарии • 113

  • @kathrynbridewell2127
    @kathrynbridewell2127 Год назад +2

    What happened to your post for vlogmas 20? Though you said it was going up on 12/28.

    • @amandasmercantile
      @amandasmercantile  Год назад +2

      Unfortunately, we ended up needing to go down to GA for some family stuff. It is coming!

  • @marycleversy3642
    @marycleversy3642 Год назад +15

    Hope you had a very Merry Christmas. Loved Vlogmas this year, loved seeing the resets on the both and you taking us to the Antique Mall. I really liked the idea of you setting up the table there, how did it do overall? Maybe they'd let you do more of them? See you in the New Year 🎉🎉🎉

  • @jennifergriffith1287
    @jennifergriffith1287 Год назад +20

    Thanks for all your wonderful work this month. I am curious about how much of your displayed vignette at the front sold. They should have you do that year round……because you do it so well, not because you have so much extra time on your hands.😂

  • @pattyheinz8729
    @pattyheinz8729 Год назад +1

    Hey Amanda, I found you about a month ago. You are the Gift I’ve given to myself this year. You have inspired, confirmed what I’m doing and given me so many new ideas. When I theft, I have a new way of looking at things. I cannot thank you enough. I’ve had a retail store for longer than you’ve been alive. I loved it when you walked by that beautiful booth and said this is what you inspire to have someday. “ When I grow up.” I can’t wait to see what you do in 2024 and beyond! Thank you again, Patty

  • @SprucedandGussied
    @SprucedandGussied Год назад +16

    Congrats on an another amazing vlogmas!! Thank you so much. Wonderful way to spend my December. 🙏🏻✨💖🎄🎅🏽🫶🏻

  • @yogamatdiaries5231
    @yogamatdiaries5231 Год назад +7

    It's been really fun 'hanging out' and 'tagging along' with you during the December rush, and I enjoyed seeing all of the fluffing and styling magic that happens behind-the-scenes. Your booth looks great, and the beautiful pieces you source stand out so well against that paint color. It's a whole vibe in there now. Looking forward to seeing more!

  • @varinaxoxo4213
    @varinaxoxo4213 Год назад +5

    Gonna miss u on a daily❤❤❤

  • @nlbhaduri
    @nlbhaduri 4 месяца назад

    Love the cha-cha-cha music! So fun! And laughing at Mike chasing the dog! He’s a goof in the best way! You look elegant in the high waisted jeans and pink cardigan. Wish I would’ve bought more Xmas ornaments from your booth, but maybe next year.

  • @pamelawhitaker3593
    @pamelawhitaker3593 Год назад

    Great to see Mike...he is naturally funny, which lightens up the scene.

  • @lindsayashton
    @lindsayashton Год назад +1

    You crushhheeeedd vlogmas Amanda! Can’t wait for next year! And please keep doing booth updates!! Basically anything and everything about your business is my fave. As a fellow shop owner (adobe vintage) it’s my favorite thing to watch! Maybe we could thrift together some day!

  • @harriettbogert6253
    @harriettbogert6253 Год назад +3

    Enjoying your sense of style developing in front of the camera.. and you excitement when you find something you love!! I so relate to I'll just get them all!!! 😅

  • @juanitagarcia958
    @juanitagarcia958 Год назад +5

    Thank you for Vlogmas! Happy New Year 🎉

  • @MompeaTexan76
    @MompeaTexan76 3 месяца назад

    Mike is so easygoing and probably makes you laugh so much.

  • @bevegriffith9858
    @bevegriffith9858 Год назад +1

    Thank you for your naturalness and your attention to detail in your booth, your home and your videos. Will miss the frequency of seeing you. Enjoy your life. ❤

  • @barblarocco1636
    @barblarocco1636 Год назад +1

    Loved seeing you everyday,I will miss that. Looking forward to 2024! Have a Happy New Year!

  • @kats3969
    @kats3969 Год назад +1

    I would say there’s definitely a correlation between your booth sales and the work you put into your booth/the frequency that you go in and fluff! It seems like it’s really paid off for you! Thank you for an awesome vlogmas Amanda 🖤 it gave me something to look forward to every day. Can’t wait for more videos!

  • @audreyshort8852
    @audreyshort8852 Год назад +3

    Thank you Amanda for all the hard work you have put in vlogmas this year, I have looked forward to all your videos, I love your booth it always looks so nice, you really have a gift for it , God bless you both, wishing you a wonderful New Year and I am looking forward to seeing all you do in 2024 and I can't wait to see what you do with that old cabinet.

  • @kristatimberlake600
    @kristatimberlake600 Год назад

    That belt in the first outfit is very flattering. Really enjoyed all of your videos! Hope you have a great holiday!

  • @gloriaalbrecht9929
    @gloriaalbrecht9929 Год назад +1

    Thanks for all the vlogmas videos, enjoyed seeing you sharing the day to day. Looking forward to your new adventures in 2024, and the thrifting and antiquing is right up my alley, so I'm along for the ride. Merry Christmas and a happy new year to you and Mike!!!

  • @carynyingling4164
    @carynyingling4164 Год назад +1

    Hey! I just wanted to say I really enjoyed your vlogmas videos this year! I looked forward to them each day with my morning coffee (or afternoon/evening beverage-lol). You are a fantastic merchandiser, so creative and inspiring!

  • @margiebell6825
    @margiebell6825 Год назад +1

    Thanks for all your hard work with Vlogmas! Will really miss my daily visits to your channel!!

  • @laurapinkney5850
    @laurapinkney5850 Год назад

    vlogmas 2023 was a definate hit with settleing in for Amanda withdrawal...wishing us both a healthy and prosperous 2024...from NH Happy New Year...

  • @DS-xp6ds
    @DS-xp6ds Год назад

    Your superpower is merchandising/styling, no doubt you could charge for that and they would pay! Enjoy your videos- content, editing and music. Vlogmas was great! Echoing comments re: resets, daily sales and shopping but also enjoyed the content this fall with the doom pile, refurbishing pieces and the fur babies.

  • @carolyncruse3744
    @carolyncruse3744 Год назад

    Really enjoy your videos, you are probably the first vintage booth dealer I started out watching early last year. Style and content are fabulous and fun with lots of knowledge added in. Wish you a wonderful successful 2024. Happy New Year!

  • @tfntexas
    @tfntexas Год назад

    I always enjoy your Vogmas videos. I know they must be a ton work and a bit of stress, lol, but they are so appreciated! Looking forward to what ever the new year has in store. I love it when you go shopping…thrift stores, antique stores, wherever. Have a great rest of the holiday!

  • @urbanlegendsantiques
    @urbanlegendsantiques Год назад +1

    I look forward to your vlogmas ever year. Congrats on making it through all 25 days. It’s a lot of work. Thank you for making these videos. Merry Christmas!

  • @Bella-zh1me
    @Bella-zh1me Год назад

    Enjoyed your videos. Loved the music and your focus on Mike. Love his walk.

  • @amymarshall736
    @amymarshall736 Год назад +1

    Great Vlogmas! I love watching ❤️

  • @jennylew8791
    @jennylew8791 Год назад

    Watched them all, was really fun to keep up with you this month! Grats on a good month of sales. I'm painting a corner of my antique shop Urbane Bronze this year, cant wait to see how it looks in my space!

  • @vonny10096
    @vonny10096 10 месяцев назад

    This series was a great mix of booth/home/buying...well done.

  • @emilyredman4999
    @emilyredman4999 Год назад

    I've enjoyed your Vlogmas and am sad this is the last episode. I have a small booth in Texas and your videos are an inspiration....absolutely love your taste and value your advice! Have a great New Year!

  • @LisaLovasz
    @LisaLovasz Год назад

    ❤ your channel. I have a new appreciation for resale and really like the antique booth concept. It’s so interesting and I love how you fix and repurpose. Loved your “how I got into the business” episode. Actually I like all the episodes and look forward to shopping antique malls now. Keep the shows coming😀

  • @luisaguirre8611
    @luisaguirre8611 Год назад

    I like watching resets!!!

  • @MtheGoat1000
    @MtheGoat1000 Год назад

    I stopped do resets and just started blending one season to the next. Not only has it saved me mentally, time and energy I've also doubled my sales.

  • @bonniehitchcock
    @bonniehitchcock 2 месяца назад

    You're my favorite! Love your style, your personality and energy!

  • @cheryldimatteo9046
    @cheryldimatteo9046 Год назад +1

    What a great Vlogmas!!! You consistently bring us fun and interesting content. God bless you and yours 🎄

  • @sallybaltazar1125
    @sallybaltazar1125 Год назад

    you did it woman, that's a wrap. Enjoyed the daily videos. Truly

  • @Kpolkie
    @Kpolkie Год назад

    I have absolutely loved your content. I have had a booth in an antique mall before and I love that we are the same age and have similar styles even though we are in different parts of the country. Your vlogmas is how I found your channel and the rest of your videos. You have inspired me to want to do my booth again. Thank you so much for the time you have put into your channel!

  • @memphis2375
    @memphis2375 Год назад

    Loved your Vlogmas! It was fun, creative and I learned a lot of styling ideas from you! Thanks so much for all the hard work and I’m so looking forward to your upcoming videos! I’m so excited that you have such a great supportive guy like Mike! He’s so kind!

  • @kathyweddle4874
    @kathyweddle4874 Год назад

    Your Vlogmas was fantastic!!! Best of 2023!

  • @kathleenjamieson7550
    @kathleenjamieson7550 Год назад

    Wow! Merry Christmas to you, Mike and Tory or Torrie or Tori! Lol! Enjoyed your Vlogmas!

  • @thetimelessrosevintage9963
    @thetimelessrosevintage9963 Год назад

    I just started watching you recently & I caught Vlogmas at the right time. Great & fun content! Hope you both have a wonderful & safe New Year!! :)

  • @leahclo4857
    @leahclo4857 Год назад +1

    Merry Christmas Amanda. Thanks for entertaining us all month❤️

  • @Paula-tw5bm
    @Paula-tw5bm Год назад

    Thank you so very much, Amanda! Love your style: clothes, booth, personality, love of fur babies. All the best to you in health and happiness in the New Year.

  • @jeannielawson3269
    @jeannielawson3269 Год назад

    Missing vlogmas already!!
    Thanks so much for the past year of entertaining videos!
    Hoping you and Mike have a great New Year!!😊

  • @MelanieMichelin
    @MelanieMichelin Год назад +1

    This was my first vlogmas with you and it’s been my favorite!! Wishing y’all a happy new year 💞🐈‍⬛

  • @chelseyrader
    @chelseyrader Год назад

    Thank you for Vlogmas, it was a joy to view🌻

  • @muslinandmorris
    @muslinandmorris Год назад

    GREAT vlogmas! Was super fun to watch!

  • @amyblevins9930
    @amyblevins9930 Год назад

    See ya next year! Cant wait!

  • @jennfindsvintage
    @jennfindsvintage Год назад +1

    Love your content. Thank you for doing vlogmas! Looking forward to seeing what you do/achieve in 2024.

  • @skylaanderson8424
    @skylaanderson8424 Год назад

    Best Vlogmas ever!! Loved it all! Without looking back, how long did that basket ride in the backseat? 😂 I hope you had an awesome Christmas!! Can’t wait to see your 2024 content!!

  • @mbweis1012
    @mbweis1012 Год назад

    You did great with Vlogmas this year!! Where in PA are you coming? Merry Christmas & Blessed New Year!

  • @GardensDelight
    @GardensDelight Год назад +1

    Super proud of you! Loved vlogmas. Happy New Year!

  • @pamwright5126
    @pamwright5126 Год назад

    I’m going to miss your videos Amanda. Everything is entertaining and enjoyable while watching you. Thanks for your hard work with these posts. Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to you,Mike,and Tori. ❤

  • @jacqueline5124
    @jacqueline5124 Год назад +1

    Hai from Holland , Europa !🌲🌲

  • @maddiemiller8192
    @maddiemiller8192 Год назад

    Loved finding your channel this month!! Enjoying your content ❤

  • @michellemowat4498
    @michellemowat4498 Год назад

    I really enjoyed your vlogmas. Love love love your booth

  • @esthersnell2357
    @esthersnell2357 Год назад

    Thanks for Vlogmas, I really looked forward to all your daily vlogs

  • @Rebecca-v4y
    @Rebecca-v4y Год назад

    Thank you so much for vlogmas!!! Loved everyday

  • @DoreenWitvoet
    @DoreenWitvoet Год назад

    It seems like all the stuff you’re doing in the booth is working. Keeping it freshly stocked, fluffing and keeping a bit of a seasonal setup. ♥️

  • @barbarawhite3217
    @barbarawhite3217 Год назад

    I have enjoyed your blogs. Your booth is amazing.

  • @ghostdlited6840
    @ghostdlited6840 Год назад

    Thanks for vlogmas, loved it ! Happy New Year to you both !! :)

  • @JLoz1852
    @JLoz1852 Год назад

    Keep it going Amanda 🙌🏻 I feel like your enjoying this now your in the groove 😂😂

  • @moniquerosenthal1847
    @moniquerosenthal1847 Год назад

    Loved all the content as usual! That piece of furniture was amazing. Can’t wait to see how you transform it. Merry Christmas and Happy New Year 🎆

  • @kathyjohnson1911
    @kathyjohnson1911 Год назад

    I’ve really enjoyed vlogmas! Happy New Year 🎊

  • @steveschumacher5470
    @steveschumacher5470 Год назад

    Thank you for doing vlogmas. We so appreciate it. Merry Christmas to you, Mike and the fur babies. Looking forward to 2024 and what you make of it. Thanks Jo

  • @priscillawhitley8620
    @priscillawhitley8620 Год назад +1

    Loved every vlogmas minute!

  • @caroleprisk5068
    @caroleprisk5068 Год назад

    Enjoyed your vlogs this month.

  • @mr.goodpliers6988
    @mr.goodpliers6988 Год назад

    Well done

  • @ba3140
    @ba3140 Год назад

    Thank you for the amazing vlogmas! I enjoyed it immensely and hope that you had a wonderful Christmas 🤩

  • @nelliott9322
    @nelliott9322 Год назад +1

    👏👏👏 I enjoyed Vlogmas again this year! Thank you! I laughed when Mike said he was hungry because anytime my husband goes with me (let’s say anywhere) he has to eat first🤪

  • @user-ww9so8pe6n
    @user-ww9so8pe6n Год назад

    Thank you for the awesome entertainment 😊

  • @debbieallard3376
    @debbieallard3376 Год назад

    I loved vlogmas this year, you did a great job and I cannot get enough of the booth, it’s top notch. When I buy things for my booth area (much smaller than yours) I say to myself, what would Amanda buy? Lol

  • @kevinalmeida6971
    @kevinalmeida6971 Год назад

    Merry Christmas thanks for all the great content 👍🏽

  • @dianerobinson9248
    @dianerobinson9248 Год назад

    Hope you had a Merry Christmas! Enjoy your videos! You have great style and you're so real! Happy New Year! 🎉🥰

  • @luckychicav7981
    @luckychicav7981 Год назад

    Hello Amanda. I’m kind of new to your channel, one was recommended and then went to the beginning and watched them all while nursing the flu.
    I love your content and glad you and Mike found each other. It is so helpful to a relationship when one compliments the other and Mike does that. Congratulations to a very good year for you both and can’t wait to see what 2024 has in store for you both.☺️💗

  • @normajeanplusone9772
    @normajeanplusone9772 Год назад

    Merry Christmas 🎄🎄🎄

  • @tammiwetzler6335
    @tammiwetzler6335 Год назад

    You'll LOVE PA!

  • @gloriafroese9160
    @gloriafroese9160 Год назад

    merry christmas to you and yours!!

  • @janedunton4104
    @janedunton4104 Год назад

    Happy Christmas Amanda! Thank you for Vlogmas 2023. You are so talented and inspirational to me. Thank you for all the work you put into these videos. Looking forward to 2024. All the best for the new year to you and yours.

  • @BeckieMcKenzie-oz4ms
    @BeckieMcKenzie-oz4ms Год назад

    What a great Vlogmas! Thank you for all the time it must take for my enjoyment. Merry Christmas and Happy 2024!

  • @daniellechambless6327
    @daniellechambless6327 Год назад

    Thanks for an excellent vlogmas!

  • @brennagreenglasspeacock
    @brennagreenglasspeacock Год назад

    Great job on Vlogmas! ❤

  • @sandispady9058
    @sandispady9058 Год назад

    YES! Another video!

  • @GloriaCarroll-z6w
    @GloriaCarroll-z6w Год назад

    Just discovered your channel and loved your Christmas videos. I have a booth and want to up my game with a little style for 2024. Thank you for inspiring this old thrifter.

  • @paulabuner6987
    @paulabuner6987 Год назад

    Merry Christmas

  • @Heggerud_gard
    @Heggerud_gard Год назад +1

    God Jul! From Norway!

  • @lisapellitier2450
    @lisapellitier2450 Год назад

    Happy new year

  • @kimswartz427
    @kimswartz427 Год назад

    I would love to see you redecorate a room, top to bottom.

  • @johnscullion7685
    @johnscullion7685 Год назад

    Thank you Amanda for vlog mass loved it so a happy new year for you both and your families and the pets see you all soon lots of love from Scotland the home of New year's celebrations 🍾 🎉🎉😅😅

  • @MelindaEvans-d7t
    @MelindaEvans-d7t Год назад

    Love the outfit!

  • @TN-ex4dz
    @TN-ex4dz Год назад

    I like the short ones.

  • @MariaRodriguez-ts3bg
    @MariaRodriguez-ts3bg Год назад +1

    Loved vlogmas. Question did anything sell from the items you borrowed from other vendors ?

  • @janetbruhn3058
    @janetbruhn3058 Год назад

    Happy Xmas Amanda love your content. Did you cover costs with the Xmas decorations? 😊

  • @michelemurphy5052
    @michelemurphy5052 11 месяцев назад

    Hello, I was just wondering what your go to pillow size is when you make your pillows? thank you

  • @marinagallant1847
    @marinagallant1847 Год назад

    You look really good, Amanda.

  • @treasureseeker8489
    @treasureseeker8489 Год назад +1

    IN 2024!!!!

  • @ashleychristensen2442
    @ashleychristensen2442 Год назад

    Cute Fairisle sweater! It’s so cute. Does it have a brand?

  • @susanguzzo3643
    @susanguzzo3643 Год назад

    Where are your jeans from in last video?

  • @magnolia12345ify
    @magnolia12345ify Год назад

    What brand of jeans r u wearing?