Pastrami Hack! How To Turn a Pre Packaged Corned Beef Into Pastrami

  • Опубликовано: 27 мар 2025
  • If your grocery stores are anything like mine, they are already stockpiling pre packaged corned beef brisket packages as St. Patty’s Day approaches…today, we are using one of these inexpensive, abundant corned beefs and turning it into PASTRAMI!
    Yes- I know it’s not as good as making your own brine and using a packer brisket that you can trim up yourself. But this too easy and too cheap not to try!
    I think you will be surprised with how good this came out…I know I sure was! Hope you enjoy the video, and if you give this a shot, be sure to let me know what you think!
    Music Credit:
    Song: Walk In The Park
    Musician: music by audionautix
    #bbq #bbqlife #bbqlovers #offsetsmoker #smokedbrisket #cornedbeef #pastrami #brisket #stpatricksday

Комментарии • 121

  • @jasonlenhardt6981
    @jasonlenhardt6981 5 дней назад +1

    A patriot pit owner! Awesome! I own one too! Iowa Here. Looks awesome and happy I found your channel!

    • @Merricks_Meat
      @Merricks_Meat  5 дней назад

      Thanks man! I have to get back into the content game- I have a surprise to reveal about a new Patriot Pit! More to come this year!

  • @Panickattack
    @Panickattack Год назад +5

    Just made one on the traeger and it came out great but it was really salty. I think I will soak it in water for a couple days next time and wont use any salt in the rub. Very easy and will def be doing again!

    • @Merricks_Meat
      @Merricks_Meat  Год назад

      Lesson I learned here is that some people don’t like salt as much as me 😂. Glad it came out good, definitely skip the salt next time! Thanks for watching and for the feedback

  • @brookesprecision6272
    @brookesprecision6272 7 месяцев назад +3

    I have done this many times over the years, I have used sunshine mustard and garlic powder and paprika, not I always did I let it rest overnight but if I did it would be in Guinness beer, I love how you experiment with your cooks

    • @Merricks_Meat
      @Merricks_Meat  7 месяцев назад

      Thank you!!! That sounds awesome I’ve gotta give that a try

  • @scottmason6282
    @scottmason6282 Год назад +4

    Looks Great ! Just Saw Your Channel Thanks To U-tube Suggestion After I Saved A Couple Other Pastrami Hacks/Videos ! Good Luck With Channel I'll Be Watching ! 😊😊😊

    • @Merricks_Meat
      @Merricks_Meat  Год назад +2

      So awesome to hear! Thanks for following along!

  • @foodonfire3662
    @foodonfire3662 Год назад +1

    Informative and concise without 20 minutes spent on how to sprinkle! Subbed.

    • @Merricks_Meat
      @Merricks_Meat  Год назад

      Thank you! Really appreciate the feedback!

  • @bsmith4587
    @bsmith4587 Год назад +2

    I did the exact same thing this weekend with the same corned beef. It was amazing.

  • @Gentile108
    @Gentile108 7 месяцев назад +2

    Alls fair in love and BBQ!! Definitely not cheating!

  • @MakeItMeaty
    @MakeItMeaty 3 месяца назад +3

    Not cheating, brilliant! I know that the Kosher Deli pastrami I grew up eating (NJ) had a much lighter smoke than the post oak or mesquite we use here in TX, but I'm gonna give this a try regardless. Even if it ain't totally authentic to that style, there's no way it can't be delicious.

  • @johnnydelgrady
    @johnnydelgrady Год назад +4

    Did you desalinate the corned beef?

  • @sabakunogaara6865
    @sabakunogaara6865 22 дня назад +1

    good video, good instruction, good editing, good information, not basic, but simple and clean enough for average Joe can follow. Overall enjoyed.

  • @wade6584
    @wade6584 23 дня назад +1

    Great job! Gonna give it a shot in a couple weeks💙

  • @jamesmahoney1606
    @jamesmahoney1606 Год назад +2

    Hey, off topic, maybe this is for a future video, but thanks for the tips on my wings questions!!!

    • @Merricks_Meat
      @Merricks_Meat  Год назад

      Anytime man! I should film my wing cook this weekend! 🤔

  • @kcee7841
    @kcee7841 Месяц назад +1

    Sweet offset 🙌🙌🙏🙏

  • @2005Pilot
    @2005Pilot 9 месяцев назад +1

    Nailed It!!! New Sub 😁👍👍. Love your presentation & content. It’s NOT CHEATING!!

  • @stevecoe1217
    @stevecoe1217 Год назад +1

    if you are like me, and forget to buy brisket with enough time to "corn" before St Patrick's day, then this is perfect. Not cheating, just another option for folks. Nice video.

    • @Merricks_Meat
      @Merricks_Meat  Год назад

      Thank you I appreciate it the feedback 👍🏼

  • @chaiveyreid
    @chaiveyreid Год назад +1

    Great idea good job

  • @jasoroko
    @jasoroko Год назад +4

    Can't go wrong with someone else doing the brine for you. I definitely don't add salt to the rub but that's just my preference

    • @Merricks_Meat
      @Merricks_Meat  Год назад +3

      Right?! Doesn’t get any more convenient. I’m all about savory so I didn’t even think to lower my S&P ratio, that’s a good idea

  • @lukepatton7761
    @lukepatton7761 5 месяцев назад +1

    Super cool hack, I don’t have the patience to brine something for a week. Yours looks delicious, will definitely give it a go.

    • @Merricks_Meat
      @Merricks_Meat  5 месяцев назад

      Thank you! Let me know how it comes out if you think of it!

  • @PNW_bourbon_buds
    @PNW_bourbon_buds Год назад +1


  • @kentogletree9509
    @kentogletree9509 День назад

    I prefer the flat to slice into even slices, where with the point you get some same pieces. I just picked up 4 yesterday at Walmart on clearance a week after St Patrick's Day for $2.00 a pound!

  • @Rob-qt4zo
    @Rob-qt4zo Год назад

    Awesome cook...keep em coming.

  • @afosterw
    @afosterw Год назад +2

    I've done that after soaking in water for a day or two to pull some of the salt out. Ends up pretty good.

    • @Merricks_Meat
      @Merricks_Meat  Год назад

      Definitely going to keep this in mind if im serving to anyone else. The Thought never crossed my mind before the cook, or while eating. And I had salt in the rub! Realizing people don’t like salt as much as me! 😂. Thanks for the tip and thanks for watching!

    • @robertrodgers1423
      @robertrodgers1423 13 дней назад

      @@Merricks_Meat after soaking I just add course ground black pepper and ground coriander. I cook mine on a BGE and it gets an okay bark but your bark with that offset looks great. Thanks for sharing. This year, 2025, Aldi had point cut corned beef for $2.99/lb, average size is 3lbs. Those thin edges are the original burnt ends to be shared with chef and true bbq'ers.

  • @hillbillybbq
    @hillbillybbq Год назад +1

    Hay man looks great! I've done it this way for years I actually prefer the flat it seems to me the fat in the point even after it's rendered still has a texture to it because of the brine I guess? Good job ! And no it's not cheating lol in my humble opinion. Have a great week!

    • @Merricks_Meat
      @Merricks_Meat  Год назад +1

      Yes! I was thinking the exact same thing you can see the internal fat is rendered but not the same consistency or feel as a regular brisket internal fat. Gotta be the brine

  • @larslan1975
    @larslan1975 10 месяцев назад +2


  • @pgwarth
    @pgwarth Год назад +1

    Hey there I really enjoyed your video and how to did this cook. I might try this on my pellet smoker and see how it turns out. At that price I don't think I can go wrong. One tip is to slightly up the volume of the sound track when you're not talking to add a little more interest for the viewers. Well done YT video.

    • @Merricks_Meat
      @Merricks_Meat  Год назад

      You definitely can’t go wrong! Thanks for watching and thanks for the feedback on the audio. Being new to RUclips, advice like this really helps me fine tune the page. 👍🏼

  • @deereboy8400
    @deereboy8400 Год назад

    1:00 I just bought points from kroger today, $3.99/lb. There are two points per package, so they are very small and odd shaped....all corners and edges. I'll be looking for flats next time. I did flats last year and made awesome reubens.
    Also...NO salt in the rub!!!!

    • @Merricks_Meat
      @Merricks_Meat  Год назад +1

      That sucks! My point last year was perfect! Salt is definitely a personal preference. I salt pizza so don’t take advice from me 😂

    • @deereboy8400
      @deereboy8400 Год назад

      @@Merricks_MeatCostco gets all the best stuff apparently. My nearest Costco is over an hour away, so I've never been to one. I bought a steer from a friend and had it butchered...the briskets were still tiny. The butcher wouldn't let me get beef cheeks or other trendy cuts like tri-tip.

  • @miket7569
    @miket7569 Год назад +1

    Great cook. I do this same thing around St. Patrick's day each year. I always get the point section. I am defiantly going to get a point, and a flat section this year. Do you think it got slightly over done because you put it in the warmer right away, instead of letting it cool to 150ish and them putting it in? I don't mind if they are a little over. The reuben sandwiches from the left overs are great.

    • @Merricks_Meat
      @Merricks_Meat  Год назад

      Yes definitely a possibility…i didn’t think it would be an issue since I pulled it around 190° but definitely could have been the reason it was falling apart at the edges

    • @Merricks_Meat
      @Merricks_Meat  Год назад

      I ended up doing Reuben wraps with the leftovers. So good!

  • @mra95662
    @mra95662 Год назад +1

    I've made jerky from corned beef flats. Just peppered, its already salted. Might try it with mustard next time

    • @Merricks_Meat
      @Merricks_Meat  Год назад

      Oh dang I bet the jerkey is amazing. May have to give it a try. Any difference in texture with the brine having penetrated so much?

    • @mra95662
      @mra95662 Год назад

      ​@@Merricks_Meatit comes out like jerky. A bit salty for my taste. Id soak the slices in water overnight next time. Sugar makers jerky softer. Dr. Pepper and jalapenos.

  • @realjoehaynes
    @realjoehaynes Год назад

    Just subscribed, great cook there, looks excellent! Yeah the Vevor stuff is hit and miss, i have a vacuum chamber sealer that's a workhorse, but the Vevor stainless table with casters I got for it is garbage. And it's not cheating, it's just being selectively resourceful lol. Looking forward to more videos from you

    • @Merricks_Meat
      @Merricks_Meat  Год назад +1

      Thank you very much, love to hear it! I reached out to Vevor when Fahrenheit wouldn’t work on the warmer…with the language barrier, achieved nothing back and forth in emails. Figured I’d save myself the headache and just use Celsius for the settings 😂. Glad that at least works.

  • @nickvids
    @nickvids Год назад +5

    Did you find it to be too salty from not soaking the brisket and adding more salt to the rub?

    • @Merricks_Meat
      @Merricks_Meat  Год назад +3

      I didn’t notice it, but I salt everything. If you don’t like salty, definitely don’t add salt in the rub. I’ve never soaked a pastrami

    • @jdawkins111
      @jdawkins111 10 месяцев назад

      @@Merricks_Meat you don't salt a pastrami. it's been brined. gah.

  • @mikeraykovicz3776
    @mikeraykovicz3776 8 месяцев назад

    I use coriander and whole black pepper ground coarsly in a spice mill to season

  • @caseyrossiter4029
    @caseyrossiter4029 7 месяцев назад +1

    Love that pit! Did you make it or is there a shop that makes them? It’s just the perfect backyard size

    • @Merricks_Meat
      @Merricks_Meat  7 месяцев назад +1

      Nope this is a custom build from Patriot Pits! They are making some insanely nice builds. Leveling up to a 250 with them currently!

  • @michaelelias1016
    @michaelelias1016 8 месяцев назад +1

    IMO...that's not cheating, just being smart. I have done the brine route and it does produce a fantastic end product but what you ended up with looks really good. My only reluctance with the store bought corned beefs is that the quality is inconsistent. One will be great and the next one is tough, oh well just enjoy the good ones and use the others for corned beef/pastrami hash. Thx for sharing.

    • @Merricks_Meat
      @Merricks_Meat  8 месяцев назад

      I agree about the inconsistency! Gotta go as high of quality as possible. I gotta try my own pastrami at some point soon. Thanks for watching!

  • @geralddrury4829
    @geralddrury4829 15 дней назад +1

    Ain't cheating to me! That end product looks oh so good!

    • @Merricks_Meat
      @Merricks_Meat  5 дней назад

      Thank you!! Just did it again yesterday!

  • @roberthousedorfii1743
    @roberthousedorfii1743 Год назад +1

    DUDE, so trying this. What wood do you use?

    • @Merricks_Meat
      @Merricks_Meat  Год назад

      Let me know how it comes out, can’t go wrong! I use oak- all of the woods surrounding my house are oak and a few hickory. I’m lucky!

  • @deborahlush2426
    @deborahlush2426 10 месяцев назад

    Looks amazing! I have 3 corned beef but no smoker 😕

  • @mikeraykovicz3776
    @mikeraykovicz3776 8 месяцев назад +1

    Soak overnight then place in fridge overnight before smoking. Smoke for 5-6 hrs at 210 degrees. Wrap and place in 200 degrees oven for 4-5 hrs. It will melt in ur mouth

  • @glenntaylor1506
    @glenntaylor1506 Год назад +1

    Great job, it doesn't get any better than that. My method for a packaged CB is to do an overnight soak in tap water, changing the water twice. Rub and smoke for 8 hours (no salt rub). Refrigerate overnight. Next day, shrink wrap with my vacuum sealer and store. When I want to eat it I throw the whole vacuum sealed piece into a pot of boiling water for 3 hours. Cool and slice.

    • @Merricks_Meat
      @Merricks_Meat  Год назад

      Sounds incredible! I bet that method helps retain a ton of moisture. You keep it at a boil just at the start? Or just let it ride in there the whole time pretty hot ?

  • @stevec5364
    @stevec5364 9 месяцев назад +9


    • @skullspaws7607
      @skullspaws7607 Месяц назад

      @@hoopd26112 hours using fresh water every 4 hours is enough.

    • @Merricks_Meat
      @Merricks_Meat  5 дней назад +1

      Just repeated this cook yesterday. No salt, no mustard binder. Y’all are right, came out better. My blood pressure would like to thank you. Appreciate the comment 👍🏼

  • @Kingfisher1215
    @Kingfisher1215 Год назад +4

    You paid $5 a pound. I find these things for about $1.50 a pound after St. Pats. But have to remember to soak in water for a day, get the salt out.

    • @Merricks_Meat
      @Merricks_Meat  Год назад +1

      That’s a steal! I gotta go check the grocery store to see if I can find a deal like that

    • @larslan1975
      @larslan1975 10 месяцев назад +2

      @@Merricks_Meatyeah I work for a Kr0ger company,they always over buy these,sell for $.99lb.for a week after!

    • @majorkelly4642
      @majorkelly4642 5 месяцев назад +1

      Not this past St Patrick's day, in the Chicago area. It seems like the price went up.

  • @ChrisWilhite
    @ChrisWilhite 3 месяца назад

    I just did one of these (different brand) last weekend. It's not bad but texture was a bit weird (could've been my fault); I'd still rather make my own.

  • @rone-g1i
    @rone-g1i 11 месяцев назад +5

    I though pastrami had coriander

  • @koopa816mj1
    @koopa816mj1 Год назад +1

    Well heck, ive been making pastrami for yrs? Every st. Pats ive been smoking a corned beef. Makes the best dang ruebons we've ever had.

    • @Merricks_Meat
      @Merricks_Meat  Год назад

      Heck yeah! I made Reuben’s a couple days later with the leftovers from this cook. Cannot beat a home made Rueben in my opinion!

  • @willowens485
    @willowens485 11 месяцев назад +1

    Shit looks delicious

  • @khowaja7
    @khowaja7 Год назад

    What brand warmer you used

    • @Merricks_Meat
      @Merricks_Meat  Год назад

      It’s a vevor from amazon. It’s ok. Chinese quality for sure. Fahrenheit setting won’t work but when set to Celsius it works fine

  • @carvedwood1953
    @carvedwood1953 14 дней назад +4

    Flat makes better corned beef and pastrami. But damn that thing was already probably brined to like 30% or more sodium then you put mustard and more salt on it. That pastrami is gonna be salty as hell. I am sure it will be tasty but i cant do that much sodium lol. I would probably soak that fucker in plain water for a few hours first and then season it without salt.

    • @mikechampagne4457
      @mikechampagne4457 12 дней назад +3

      I always soak mine at least 24 hrs !

    • @Merricks_Meat
      @Merricks_Meat  5 дней назад +1

      Did this same cook yesterday. Didn’t soak, but did no binder and no salt in the rub. All you saying no salt…it was the right call! Came out better. My blood pressure will thank you all. Thanks for watching!

  • @SethKingofthenerds
    @SethKingofthenerds 8 дней назад +1

    I would have just done, Pepper and Coriander for the rub.

    • @Merricks_Meat
      @Merricks_Meat  5 дней назад +3

      While I’m a salt guy, I just did this same cook with just pepper and coriander yesterday. No salt was the move! 👍🏼

  • @chriskwilas1330
    @chriskwilas1330 Год назад

    thanks for the heads-up. And this by far is not "cheating", you're skipping a whole brining process which can take up space in the fridge, time making the brine, etc. Great for especially feeding bigger crowds like my family where I'll probably need to smoke 5 at once.

    • @Merricks_Meat
      @Merricks_Meat  Год назад +1

      Glad you agree! My thoughts exactly. Can’t beat the convenience/price doing it this way!

  • @Eli-ou7ol
    @Eli-ou7ol 11 месяцев назад +1

    I add the pastrami seasoning on my corn beef and taste great in lieu of S&P.

    • @Merricks_Meat
      @Merricks_Meat  11 месяцев назад +1

      Like the little bag of seasonings that come with it? I did feel bad throwing mine out. Years ago I crushed up the packet and sprinkled on top

    • @jdawkins111
      @jdawkins111 10 месяцев назад

      @@Merricks_Meat why don't you know how to season a pastrami before you smoke it?

    • @Merricks_Meat
      @Merricks_Meat  10 месяцев назад +1

      @@jdawkins111 I ’m no expert sir, just a guy with high blood pressure having fun in my back yard. So sorry about the 🧂

  • @BigWood76
    @BigWood76 Год назад

    Is it possible to drown from salivating? You should post a warning. Excellent cook thanks for the video.

    • @Merricks_Meat
      @Merricks_Meat  Год назад +1

      😂😂 if it was possible, sure I’d be dead by now. Really appreciate the feedback my friend ! 👊🏼

  • @majorkelly4642
    @majorkelly4642 5 месяцев назад +3

    Can a brother get a sammich 😋

  • @allenbateman3518
    @allenbateman3518 Месяц назад +3

    So, you added salt to the rub after the flat was in a pastrami brine? That had to be salty as heck! Also, a cured piece of meat isn't gonna give you that soft touch..

    • @mikechampagne4457
      @mikechampagne4457 12 дней назад

      I always soak mine in water before soaking !

    • @Merricks_Meat
      @Merricks_Meat  5 дней назад +2

      Did it again yesterday. No salt. You are right! Came out better

  • @duanejones1796
    @duanejones1796 9 месяцев назад

    It's interesting to me that you added salt and didn't soak some of the salt out of it

    • @mr.elastomeric1787
      @mr.elastomeric1787 7 месяцев назад

      Do you submerge the whole thing? Fat cap down or up. Cooking one on my Son's new smoker. Gonna be a lots of guys with can of beer in one hand and pointer finger in the other.

  • @cornpop7176
    @cornpop7176 Год назад

    I tried smoking one of these with no rub and was literally gagging with how salty it was. Soaking the brisket in a couple baths of room temp water for 4-6hours is necessary in my opinion. Idk how you were able to eat this with even more salt

    • @Merricks_Meat
      @Merricks_Meat  Год назад +2

      😂 that’s wild. I’ve never desalinated a pre packaged corned beef. I probably coulda done without salt in the rub but I still didn’t notice it 😂

    • @cornpop7176
      @cornpop7176 Год назад +2

      @@Merricks_Meat I wonder if there is a heavy variance in the salt content between the different brands then? 🤔

    • @Merricks_Meat
      @Merricks_Meat  Год назад +2

      I was thinking the same thing. Wonder if some companies desalinate on their own? Or if other companies package with more or less brine

    • @JorenMathews
      @JorenMathews 10 месяцев назад

      Kind of a shit product if they sell it to you inedibly salty. No way that's the norm.

    • @Merricks_Meat
      @Merricks_Meat  10 месяцев назад +1

      @@JorenMathews it’s not man. Never had to desalinate one.

  • @juanatthepoconos
    @juanatthepoconos 5 месяцев назад +1

    I thought you had to desalt it a little bit.

    • @Merricks_Meat
      @Merricks_Meat  5 месяцев назад +2

      You and everyone else in the comments! 😆 . I never have desalinated one of these cheap ones from the grocery store and have never found it too salty. Not difficult to soak if you’re concerned about it. If you are brining at home using pink salt, definitely desalinate.

  • @russellridge8623
    @russellridge8623 2 месяца назад +4

    Not pastrami with that rub. Best to soak those corned beef few hours or overnight in water. Need coriander, brown sugar, other stuff for it to be pastrami. Tallow?? Lol. RUclips fallacy.
    Try again.

    • @kkirsch3583
      @kkirsch3583 2 месяца назад +1

      Gee, such kindness! Sarcastic much?

  • @jhitt79
    @jhitt79 10 месяцев назад +1

    Not everything is a hack.

  • @bj5843
    @bj5843 9 месяцев назад

    It looks good, but it’s not pastrami.