Dimash - Opera 2 | REACTION

  • Опубликовано: 25 мар 2025
  • Follow our Instagrams: @_crii and @gidiboh

Комментарии • 168

  • @RubyMoon507
    @RubyMoon507 5 лет назад +5

    This is everyone's exact reaction when hearing Dimash for the first time. Disbelief, elation, confusion and sometimes the emotion hits you like a truck and you crylaugh for no reason.

  • @angelallarena1259
    @angelallarena1259 5 лет назад +4

    Lo mejor ke oído en mi vida, y tengo 56 años EH!! A sus pies señor Dimash!! Alucinante!! 👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏

  • @mamaneelie
    @mamaneelie 6 лет назад +1

    Every video I watch with you...'How does he do that??' 'I don't know!' Your reactions are priceless. I adore Dimash and love that you do too ❤️

  • @paulgagnon
    @paulgagnon 7 лет назад +116

    This is soooo typical - and I mean this in a good way. Your reactions are sincere, and they are exactly how we all felt when we first came across this phenomenon called Dimash. Welcome to the club! You are in for one hell of a ride!!

  • @МуратАлтыбаев-д5ю
    @МуратАлтыбаев-д5ю 6 лет назад +1

    Казакстанды дуние жузине таныткан Димашка саттилик тилеимин рахмет оркенин оссин

  • @pedroa33
    @pedroa33 7 лет назад +64

    Dimash is the best. Watch all episodes!!

  • @visteklBond
    @visteklBond 7 лет назад +17

    Голос бесконечен ,как космос!!!!!!!

  • @АлексейПопов-ю2х
    @АлексейПопов-ю2х 5 лет назад +2

    останавливайте землю я сойду теперь я видел все , вся остальная эстрада как эстрада в моих глазах умерла

  • @aysungenccan9565
    @aysungenccan9565 7 лет назад +52


  • @МедоедАльтаиров
    @МедоедАльтаиров 5 лет назад +4

    Дана и Крис, спасибо за искреннюю реакцию!
    Казахстан, за Димаша - РАХМАТ!

  • @sagimbay7779
    @sagimbay7779 4 года назад

    Ему нет равных на этой земле! Гордость распирает грудь черт побери!!!

  • @ШамшыСадырбаева
    @ШамшыСадырбаева 7 лет назад +106

    Я горжусь что Димаш мой соотечественник, он гордость нашего Казахстана и желаю ему
    творческих высот.

    • @AndyRay2465
      @AndyRay2465 6 лет назад +3

      ...что-же Вы его гнобили и не признавали в Казахстане,... а теперь он не ВАШ, а достояние МИРОВОЙ КУЛЬТУРЫ !!! (вот такое у Вас профессиональное жюри на конкурсах)

    • @ХалифаАбдулкәрим
      @ХалифаАбдулкәрим 5 лет назад +1

      Да, верно! Димаш уже прочно стал достоянием всего человечества.

  • @1079walter
    @1079walter 6 лет назад +2

    Dimash has a 6-1/2 octave range, from F2 to D8! Incredible! His genre is "Pop", but he is a classically-trained singer.

  • @ЖаннаМухангалиева-и8е


  • @intamayankrose5351
    @intamayankrose5351 5 лет назад

    Ya I’m agree with both of u.Dimash is so Amazingn I like with ur reaction.dimash voice is unbelievable,it’s so crazy right.i wanna say hi to u all by me INDONESIAN

  • @kickboxer8173
    @kickboxer8173 4 года назад

    since getting diagnosed with covid 19 i have been very anxious. so ive been watching alot of Dimash. and it relaxes me to the max.

  • @Шрэк-о3ь
    @Шрэк-о3ь 6 лет назад +4

    Вот это реакция от чистого сердца thankyou👍👍👍

  • @КарменГонсалис-ы4е
    @КарменГонсалис-ы4е 6 лет назад +3

    супер реакция!!! а Димаш просто космос!!!

  • @marcomontandon7936
    @marcomontandon7936 6 лет назад

    It`s very impressive how Dimash gets the best of each one of us from our deepest inside. It`s priceless to see people`s reaction before such wonderful phenomenon,people unwittingly lets the best of themselves to emerge.Agreat chance to ourselves to notice that and make ourselves better. Enchanted people anchanted by this wonderful one.Dimash whole voice and mainly His head and whistle voice sounds like the magical hypnotic mermaid voice.He sings with His whole body,He is entire a voice.

  • @dimashusafanclubyoutube
    @dimashusafanclubyoutube 7 лет назад +85

    👍👍👍👍👍👏👏👏👏👍👍👍👍👏👏👏👏👏👍👍👍👍👏👏👏❤️❤️❤️ Yay! You guys are great! You immediately caught on that Dimash was modulating half a tone higher and higher each time! Wasn’t that the craziest thing ever! Waiting for your next Dimash reaction!

  • @patriciareno5155
    @patriciareno5155 7 лет назад +84

    Loved the reaction - I think everyone that hears this for the 1st time reacts the same way - he isn't human!! Hope you continue with the rest of the episodes - next is Show Must Go On - is comletely different. Dimash adds his own special twist to every song he sings - so each episode is different but wonderful. Looking forward to more! By the way - to date his range is F2 - D8 (D8 is beyond the piano keyboard!!)

    • @betaCarrotYT
      @betaCarrotYT 6 лет назад +3

      Technically that's his public range, he hasn't actually told anyone his actual range so it may be higher or lower.

  • @СанатС-т9п
    @СанатС-т9п 6 лет назад +1

    Димаш алга!!! Казахстан алга!!!

  • @fendilong1328
    @fendilong1328 7 лет назад +28

    Dimash is one of the best if not the best and powerful singer in the world. Most importantly he connect with his audience....no matter live audience or through videos.

  • @analampreamontes8543
    @analampreamontes8543 6 лет назад +1

    No me canso de oír a Dimash. Es un portento. No se porque no está dando conciertos x todo el mundo. Sería genial.

  • @АсетБатыргужинов
    @АсетБатыргужинов 7 лет назад +16

    You are really best best!!!
    Dimash is the genius!!!
    More Dimash !!

  • @alexrusov1767
    @alexrusov1767 7 лет назад +11

    Dimash! Dimash! Go-go! You are the best!

  • @andymolina5206
    @andymolina5206 6 лет назад

    Super reaction guys .i love that perfomance of my dear dimash .thank you so much.

  • @rijalwalker1637
    @rijalwalker1637 5 лет назад

    Nice raction, salute
    I just can't hold my smile whan I see your reaction 😃

  • @frankchin7106
    @frankchin7106 7 лет назад +8

    Great reaction guys !! Welcome to your Dimash journey ! Just when you think Dimash cannot surprise you any more - he does !! Thank you from Auckland; NZ

  • @_E_B_D_
    @_E_B_D_ 6 лет назад +1

    Керемет, Димаш! 👏💐 Біз сені жақсы көреміз əрі мақтанамыз! 🎤🎵🎶🎶🎶🎶🎶

  • @jambroqc
    @jambroqc 7 лет назад +6

    Is he of this world? An angel with a magnificent soaring voice?

  • @doriscooper3150
    @doriscooper3150 7 лет назад +65

    Well, you got your ticket....now buckle up for the ride....Dimash will amaze you with every performance...these videos are a year old...since then he has done several concerts...OSTs for 3 movies, 2 video games and a tv drama, as well as several tv appearances ....Off stage and out of makeup he is the most wonderful young man...he is only 22 here... he will be 24 next month....He sings in about 8 different languages...So I advise going to YT ...Gloria Wu...for English translations....songs, concerts, interviews and more..... I enjoyed watching Dimash with you....

    • @akmryspay3057
      @akmryspay3057 6 лет назад +1

      Doris Cooper Yeeeeeah!!!👍🏼

  • @mirajmiraj5476
    @mirajmiraj5476 7 лет назад +7

    спасибо за реакцию ждем новые реакций на Димаша

    • @Grimace_Integ420
      @Grimace_Integ420 6 лет назад

      i dont understand your language... time for google translate... я не понимаю ваш язык ... время для google translate ...

  • @mireiwong8884
    @mireiwong8884 7 лет назад

    Thanks. Love your reactions!! I also felt Dimash is not a human. 😂😂 I shipped him since last year when he appeared on China's Singer.

  • @yorlenyherrera3324
    @yorlenyherrera3324 5 лет назад +1

    Hey guys! I just subscribed! Loved your reactions to Dimash! The best singer of the World 👏🏼 🌟! A little late because I happened to know Dimash and his unbelievable talent about 6 weeks ago! So I am looking for reactions to him recently! I am also speechless most of the times I listen to him... And believe me... More and more people around the world discover him every day and get "Dimashified" as well!
    I'm definitely watching to all your reactions to him! 👏🏼👍🏼

  • @charlottemallett6042
    @charlottemallett6042 7 лет назад

    Lovely reactions. Welcome to the crazy world of dimash. The more you see the more he will amaze you.

  • @shaldar-ketinder
    @shaldar-ketinder 7 лет назад +60

    Мдааа, такую реакцию, в автомобиле, мы ещё не видели. Миленько так, никто не мешает..... ;))
    Реакция понравилась, не искусственная!
    Thank you so much! Cool reaction!

  • @luvibeceiro3498
    @luvibeceiro3498 7 лет назад +11

    Me encantan vuestras reacciones, estáis empezando a ver lo que puede hacer con su voz Dimash. Por favor seguir reaccionando y os llevareis muchas sorpresas. El es increíble, El siguiente episodio es The show must go on, de Queen. Amazing. Muchas gracias y un saludo desde España.

  • @salvadoredali3458
    @salvadoredali3458 7 лет назад +25

    Dimash from Qazaqstan. Please react Dimash All by myself, Adagio

  • @miryam2953
    @miryam2953 6 лет назад

    Yo solo estoy aquí por Dimash😳

  • @yessicamagdalenaariasgonza7391
    @yessicamagdalenaariasgonza7391 7 лет назад +6

    Hola me encanto su reacción, espero que les vaya bien saludos desde Chile.

  • @dianeshoaf4330
    @dianeshoaf4330 7 лет назад +29

    So happy to hear that you are going to react to all the episodes. It is a wonderful journey full of surprises and epic songs.

  • @ninabowden3194
    @ninabowden3194 6 лет назад +1

    Great reaction. Thank you, more Dimash.

  • @irislima1240
    @irislima1240 7 лет назад +3

    😍😍😍gostaria de ver um reaction com Dimash cantando Show Must Go On

  • @patriciagreene7758
    @patriciagreene7758 6 лет назад

    Somewhere on RUclips there is a posting where they did the various tones & notes that Dimash was capable of. It was amazing, just amazing. He does come from a musical family, both mom & dad are professional singers and Dimash's young sister is just started singing on stage. Dimash had her sing with him one of the songs. It will be interesting to see what his younger brother does. Oh yeah, Dimash has trained classical. He is such an amazing young man & he will be someone to watch in the future since really great singers like Michael Jackson are gone.

  • @robertodanielvargaspizurno4945
    @robertodanielvargaspizurno4945 4 года назад

    From Paraguay
    Linda reacción
    Saludos y éxitos

  • @garythielen5314
    @garythielen5314 7 лет назад +3

    Love your reaction!

  • @my.business
    @my.business 7 лет назад +8

    *You said you never heard of him...now you have...and you will never forget him hahaha. He virtually is the best singer in the world right now. No one can come close to his power and range. You think this was high...Wait till you do the 3rd song*

  • @lannyekawati9107
    @lannyekawati9107 7 лет назад +18

    Hi guys, that was a wonderful reaction. I'm so happy when you said that you're gonna keep continue react to him. Next is ep.3 Show Must Go On by Queen.. Can't wait to see your reaction. Thank you so much..

  • @jeanettenomaaea9793
    @jeanettenomaaea9793 7 лет назад

    Now he is no longer nervous and he also realize that everyone has welcome him... Because he is AMAZING !!!

  • @Eerylin
    @Eerylin 7 лет назад +6

    I'm here and I will subscribe for this ^^ I love your Dimash reactions ♥

  • @grittapobinyasri6545
    @grittapobinyasri6545 6 лет назад

    สุดยอดมากๆ ชอบครับ ดDimash

  • @user-kh5xg9tn8k
    @user-kh5xg9tn8k 7 лет назад +2

    Super Thank you. 👍👍👍

  • @tomasadolfomoralesrodrigue3232
    @tomasadolfomoralesrodrigue3232 6 лет назад

    si asi canta dimash no me imagino como cantaran los angeles de DIOS

  • @mtcreations4218
    @mtcreations4218 7 лет назад

    Thank you. Looking forward to your future Dimash reactions.

  • @Mad9977
    @Mad9977 5 лет назад

    lol he's teasing the crowd all the way

  • @gulzhankarazhigitova1708
    @gulzhankarazhigitova1708 6 лет назад

    DIMASH! Absolutely talented singer! He is real star ⭐️ 🚀⭐️🙏🏻🇰🇿👑

  • @shawnlamantia345
    @shawnlamantia345 6 лет назад +1

    I love dimashes stacatto😍

  • @dearsdimash8798
    @dearsdimash8798 7 лет назад +14

    Yey.. Next episode reaction dimash..

  • @kayrush1706
    @kayrush1706 7 лет назад +22

    ❤️❤️❤️❤️. Thank you for your reaction! This is neither the lowest or highest notes he can sing. The Russian singer, Vitas, first popularized this song and he modulated up once...you can see Dimash modulated up 4 times! The first time I saw this video I thought Dimash was conceited and cocky based on his actions. I soon learned that that was only how he performed this song...he changes his character to match the emotions of the song. He is actually quite humble but does have confidence in his singing.
    The gentleman that does the fist pump at the end of Dimash’s performance is his dad. Next up is The Show Must Go On...he sings both lower and higher than in this song!

  • @allsies7890
    @allsies7890 7 лет назад

    Lmao even my face was in shock when he kept transposing, and I’ve seen this a million times🤣

  • @snjezanarugani6273
    @snjezanarugani6273 7 лет назад +14

    Great rection! Thank you! It was an epic performance of the greatest singer in the world! Today Dimash was a guest in I am Singer 2018. Listen to his version of Hello (Lionel Richie)!

  • @маратмырзахметов-ь6б


  • @СаяСима
    @СаяСима 6 лет назад +1


  • @ppauline1515
    @ppauline1515 6 лет назад

    That’s the reaction I was looking for!! Great, love you guys.

  • @bakhytsad5105
    @bakhytsad5105 7 лет назад +3

    Si vous suivez ses performances, vous ferez des découvertes, chers jeunes hommes!

  • @flatoutt1
    @flatoutt1 5 лет назад

    already being a signed up dear, one of the things that jumps out at me and i'm enjoying is the wonderful energy between you two.you're very blessed

  • @brittanygidley6081
    @brittanygidley6081 7 лет назад

    He’s truly fucking amazing and how he can change his voice range to get higher each time

  • @perisdsad705
    @perisdsad705 7 лет назад +2

    Thank you👍

  • @ГуличкаПриходько
    @ГуличкаПриходько 5 лет назад

    Вы классные!)))

  • @joabesousadesousasouza9477
    @joabesousadesousasouza9477 5 лет назад

    Dimash simplesmente espetacular! I love Brasil.

  • @visakhadevi8669
    @visakhadevi8669 6 лет назад

    just a lil recommendation,pls react to dimash adagio,latr autumn and diva dance. All three from dimash also. And great reaction guys 😍 keep up the good work! 🤗🤗🤗😇😇😇

  • @АлияКуляпова
    @АлияКуляпова 7 лет назад +26

    Welcome to Dimash world.😄😄😄.Super reaction.,thank you.🤗🤗🤗👍👍👍👍

  • @Zhyyra
    @Zhyyra 7 лет назад

    Loved your reaction))) Thanks, I wonder) this song Vitas (2000), find it beautiful and interesting. Here's the topic for the next reaction. If interested, I can send a link to the clip)

  • @J.D_7
    @J.D_7 4 года назад

    Second watch and it's a shame you stopped the reactions as you're genuine.
    Regardless of the reactions, I hope you are well and happy. All the best Chris.

  • @Salta.Almaty
    @Salta.Almaty 6 лет назад +1

    Super ❤🇰🇿👍reaction💘🌺💐

  • @barentstorg7801
    @barentstorg7801 6 лет назад

    1:08 Vitas in China is still revered as a "living deity." Therefore (obviously) Dimash instead of "long-standing pains go in a sequence" replaces "pains" with "Gods". It looks very bold and funny ...
    1:08 Витаса в Китае до сих пор почитают как "живое Божество". Поэтому (очевидно) Димаш вместо "давние боли идут чередой" заменяет "боли" на "Боги". Это выглядит очень дерзко и забавно...

  • @ximenaavila9692
    @ximenaavila9692 5 лет назад


  • @MadeleineHenderson
    @MadeleineHenderson 6 лет назад

    Isn't it crazy that he isn't known by everyone in every country!?

  • @elenanurshishiginaykt1090
    @elenanurshishiginaykt1090 7 лет назад

    As soon as I heard “we are doing Dimash reactions to all episodes” - SUBSCRIBE-hit da bell button!!!

  • @Моймир-ч3д
    @Моймир-ч3д 6 лет назад

    Браво ребята

  • @d.s5170
    @d.s5170 5 лет назад

    Димаш!!! 😍😍😍

  • @alanoruzhie1067
    @alanoruzhie1067 7 лет назад +9

    Listen to Dimash "Adagio" :)

  • @aidanameimasheva8818
    @aidanameimasheva8818 7 лет назад +4

    You should react to Dimash ' s performance " Bastau concert DAYBREAK " and " Bastau concert Diva dance"

  • @carolyngrinberg6889
    @carolyngrinberg6889 7 лет назад +4

    Already subscribed, liked, notify on...amazing, right? Keep going - continuing delight in Dimashstan awaits :)

  • @paigelandry2611
    @paigelandry2611 6 лет назад

    he went TWO steps higher than Vitas. Amazing!

  • @МухтарТолеуханов-й3г

    Dimash hello reaction

  • @etrock
    @etrock 7 лет назад +28

    dimash hello react

  • @ЖекеБизнес-у1г
    @ЖекеБизнес-у1г 5 лет назад

    Thank you for reaction i like your video

  • @talgat123
    @talgat123 7 лет назад +4


  • @dddddimash6639
    @dddddimash6639 7 лет назад +17

    Please continue :-)

  • @flyjl8424
    @flyjl8424 6 лет назад +1

    Amazing 😍

  • @CarTinka14
    @CarTinka14 7 лет назад +1

    🤗🤗☺️😎😐 we want more!!!😍

  • @luisurena4065
    @luisurena4065 5 лет назад

    I love you chris😍😍

  • @pamelabrito00O
    @pamelabrito00O 7 лет назад +14


  • @ГульнараБекеева-х1щ


  • @Раиса-е4у4я
    @Раиса-е4у4я 2 года назад

    Очень любит песни Витаса! Повторяшка - каверщик.хтя бы обьявлял что это кавер!

  • @janhendriktromp7723
    @janhendriktromp7723 4 года назад

    Dimash this is oit of Orbid

  • @iloveyou10.02
    @iloveyou10.02 7 лет назад +1


  • @AdjeyAli
    @AdjeyAli 7 лет назад +1

    Good reaction